FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows VENTURA SHOW IS ON

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  • #30252

    Although I am still waiting to hear official confirmation, unless there is a very unlikely turn of events, the Ventura show will be cancelled. I apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation causes but circumstances were such that this was the necessary and difficult decision. I wanted to post this a soon as possible to prevent any further inconvenience.
    Lucinda has played several successful shows in the past at the VT and I am hopeful that if and when certain conditions change-conditions that are beyond the control of the present promoter- we will look to play the Ventura Theatre again next year.


    Tom, while I hate to see you have to cancel a show for principle, I very much appreciate your & Lu’s willingness to take a stand. Y’all have my love & respect for caring for the fans so much…



    Ack. 🙁


    Was going to make hotel reservations this morning, so I appreciate that you posted this.
    Disappointing, but I think I understand the reasons behind the situation and fully support this decision.
    Napa and Sacramento will have to suffice this time around!


    Now I’m feeling a bit guilty I’m the guy who crunched the numbers and started this whole thing. But like others, I respect your decision, Tom. Any glimmer of hope for those “unlikely events” to crystallize and the show go on?


    I would say there is about a 99% chance that this show will not happen-it was my choice to instruct Lucinda’s booking agent to cancel this show. Let’s just say that the powers that be in this case are 1) A very gigantic arrogant organization 2) not known for flexibility -at least until a week before the show, when they cut prices/fees and punish everyone who bought early, and 3) completely apathetic to whether this show happens or not because in their world this is a tiny tiny show and not even a blip on their radar.
    I should have official confirmation tomorrow.

    Let me also add that there is no reason for you to feel guilty at all. I very much appreciate that you brought this to my attention -especially as quickly as you did. I can’t divulge any details yet but I can say that this was a particularly disgusting example of the arrogance that has been happening in the live music industry for years-an arrogance that obviously continues even though we are in the midst of a live music industry that is in free fall market correction. It just has to stop. Hopefully some little small step to change will come from this.


    “You’ve got to stand for something or you’re gonna fall for anything” ~ John Mellencamp

    I’m glad to see you and Lucinda took a stand, Tom. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    West Words

    Hmmm, if this sad situation has to become a reality, could it be transformed into a PR opportunity to help ticket sales at the rest of the shows, a la ‘Power to the People’? i.e., see if we could get some press on the wires about the tour with an artist taking up for her fans? (…and if you do, could you please wait until after we freak devotees get our tickets? 🙂 )

    Here are a couple similar stories:

    Pearl Jam – the group attempted to cap ticket prices at $20 to make their tickets more accessible to fans. However, Ticketmaster began tacking service fees on top of the cheap ticket prices, so Pearl Jam canceled their tour in protest of the ticketing industry giant. (don’t get any ideas….!!!)

    Tom Petty – ran into record company trouble when he and the Heartbreakers prepared to release Hard Promises, the 1981 follow-up to Damn the Torpedoes. MCA wanted to release the record at the list price of $9.98, which was a high price at the time. Petty refused to comply to their wishes, threatening to withhold the album from the label and organizing a fan protest that forced the company to release the record at $8.98.

    I don’t think a lot of ‘normal’ fans find out about Lucinda’s schedule in time. None of US can relate 😉 , but ‘normal’ people are busy surviving, going to work and taking care of their kids, and don’t obsessively check this site, Ticketmaster, etc. But it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t love to see a show. For example, at the last night in NYC last fall, I went up to the balcony at Irving Plaza just to see the show from a different perspective. I think(?) there was a long break before the first encore (perhaps because Lu was figuring out how to do Minneapolis for that uber-fan young guy, Ben, who kept yelling out for it.) So anyway, I got to talk with a bunch of people upstairs, and heard several times that they had only just found out about the show at the last minute, or that their friends would have loved to have been there if they had only known.

    So…perhaps this unfortunate turn of events could result in a lot more people hearing about the tour? What do y’all think?


    The problem with trying not to do business with Ticketmaster/Live Nation is they have all the best venues locked up. As Pearl Jam found out, you can’t tour by just playing rinky dink shitholes.

    The music industry has turned full sail into the dark side from greed. There are lots of people like us who still want to go out and see shows and all we get is the shaft over and over.

    I don’t know how someone like LW can make a living when people stopped buying records and the live music business has become unfriendly to its customers.

    Rant over. 😥


    It looks like this show may indeed be saved. It’s happening as I type -but it looks positive. More details coming soon.


    This show WILL now be happening and the info that I have now is that the ticket fees will be reduced, my understanding is that they will now be $7.55 on the $39.50 tickets and $9.75 on the $54.50 tickets -also there will now be a will call option free of charge.


    Classic. I’ll have to cancel the hit I put out on the promoter.

    By the way, I paid $144.90 for 2 tickets.


    I will find out the details on getting refunded the difference asap. This all just happened within the last hour.


    OK kids. Let’s put the pre show fest back on too.


    TO, you rock, you roll.

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