FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows UTICA SHOW

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    Caught Lucinda in Rochester last week. The show was moved from outside to the “rustic” & very old Armory, (huge space), and while some were not thrilled with the venue’s acoustics, I must have been in the G spot of sound as Lucinda and band sounded fantastic! Great set, Lucinda adjusting her song choices to take advantage of the space, and it was a rocking good time!
    The show was bittersweet, in that my girlfriend, who turned me on to Lucinda long ago had to stay home, fighting off one of her debilitating migraines. Fortunately, we got tickets for the Utica show so I get an encore performance and Suzanne gets to finally see one of her all time favorite artists live. You never know what kind of set you’ll hear, but that’s what is so great about Lucinda Williams – every show is a singularly unique experience – no “mailing it in” doing the.. same ol’same ol’ every night. Thank you!
    You probably don’t do requests, but IF you did Suzanne would love to here Sidewalks – yeah its an old one, but its her favorite! Me, Out of Touch was my favorite from the Roc…..along with everything else that is!
    I encourage everyone in the area to head out to Utica, and bring some friends, introduce them to Lucinda’s music if they aren’t familiar, they will appreciate your fine, fine taste – Lucinda’s voice is as good as can be, (BLEW ME AWAY) and the band is outrageous – you can’t believe 4 people can put out that much amazing sound. See y’all Wednesday!

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