FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows US TOUR MAY/JUNE 2009

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  • #39181

    For a super detailed seatmap of the Mesa Arts Center, load:


    howdy, just wondering does anyone know what the ticket situation is like for the Covington show? Hubby has a conference in Cincinnati AT THE RIGHT TIME(!), and he’s considering going to the Lu show there. But he probably doesn’t want to get a ticket too soon, unless his trip is cancelled (or trying to figure out who to send the tickets to)…. We’re the ones who were lucky enough to see her in our home country of New Zealand, so for him to score a work trip that coincides with a Lu show is pretty damn fantastic. I’m a teeny bit :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: But am insisting that he goes, if it was me I’d be there in a shot!


    @nickle wrote:

    howdy, just wondering does anyone know what the ticket situation is like for the Covington show? Hubby has a conference in Cincinnati AT THE RIGHT TIME(!), and he’s considering going to the Lu show there. But he probably doesn’t want to get a ticket too soon, unless his trip is cancelled (or trying to figure out who to send the tickets to)…. We’re the ones who were lucky enough to see her in our home country of New Zealand, so for him to score a work trip that coincides with a Lu show is pretty damn fantastic. I’m a teeny bit :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: But am insisting that he goes, if it was me I’d be there in a shot!

    Oh, wow! There are a few of us in this forum going to this show! Message me if you want to co-ordinate something or need additional information.



    Woo hoo only a month away form the Covington (aka Cincinnati South) show at the Madison.



    I can hardly wait Stevarino. Have you come up with a party plan?


    We are getting so excited about our first Lu show in tucson. This has been the best music year for us. We have been able Gary Louris and now Lucinda and in a few weeks were off to telluride. And with any luck We will be in L.A. in Aug. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


    Where the hell is Oregon in your travel schedule? I have been waiting and look forward to the day that you are here. I am thinking about coming to anaheim but I have 3 children one of which needs to go to college next year. I will save my money if you could tell me when you will be in Portland, Salem,Hillsboro OR, or Vancouver, WA. Please please please. If you can not can you at leastt be on David Letterman, Ellen Degeneres or Oprah so I can at least see you sing instead of my IPODsinging in my ear. You are so great and this middle aged mom would love to see you Please please please



    A “pair of concert series” indeed! Let’s hope she means the coming fall, Lefty, as it sounds a bit like El Rey and Irving Plaza redux–which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Thanks for monitoring the press.


    @stoger wrote:

    which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world

    Harumph! I respectfully disagree. Both destinations are uber-expensive to travel to & stay in. Why the LA/NY centrism again? Sure, selfishly speaking, I’d like Atlanta best, but even Chicago and / or New Orleans would be much better locales in my book – within driving distance for a different set of fans than the “album shows” were, and better places to visit overall IMHO (sorry, but I am no fan of NYC & LA is just too far away).



    I agree. Chicago or New Orleans would be great for us Midwesterners.

    Disco Stu

    I really hope that the article is mistaken about NY/LA being the venues for another set of album shows. Somewhere in the Midwest (I’m very partial to Chicago as it’s only a 3-hour drive away 🙂 ) would be a lot more logical and better for the many fans who missed out on the first set for geographic reasons.


    @Disco Stu wrote:

    I really hope that the article is mistaken about NY/LA being the venues for another set of album shows. Somewhere in the Midwest (I’m very partial to Chicago as it’s only a 3-hour drive away 🙂 ) would be a lot more logical and better for the many fans who missed out on the first set for geographic reasons.

    Hey, Chicago is an 11 1/2 hour drive for me, but I’d do it in a heartbeat for 30th anniversary / album shows. LA, on the other hand, would be out of the question, and NYC would be a lot less likely for me due to financial reasons (not to mention I’d much rather visit Chicago than NYC).



    Have just said goodbye to hubby – he’s got his long journey to Cincinnati. He assures me he will be going to the Covington show. I’ve written all the details down for him. So – how rare would that be? Someone who saw the Auckland show, turning up to the Covington show. I’m still incredibly jealous, as he is also flying Business Class! (The differences when work pay the bill and not us). I think it will be interesting for him to go to a GA show, after the seated show we had in Auckland. Also, it is a very cold start to winter here in NZ, and it looks like the temperatures have been very warm over there – yet another reason to be jealous! Oh well, I wait to hear how it all goes, and let the lunatics (my lovely children) take over the asylum. 😆


    No worries, nickle. Your man should be in good hands in Covington – – several of the Friendly Forum’s more distinguished(?) members will be there, I believe. I’m sure they’ll find a way to connect and have a blast. Plus, he’ll get to meet the legend that is…Susannah!

    Good luck with the kiddies. Sounds like he owes you after this one… 🙂

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