FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows US TOUR MAY/JUNE 2009

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    Before I mention the upcoming May/June dates I want to say thanks to all of you who made this first leg such a smash success. It was truly a great run on all levels, with many great shows and many sellouts at a time when we were braced for that not to happen.
    But it wasn’t without its “challenges”. We survived a pretty scary bus fire (more on that later) a shower-like leak in the roof and continual bus malfunctions (on the post-fire bus)–when you add that to the personnel changes both on and off stage and how smoothly everything went, well, things are pretty damn good.
    But none of it compares to the support we got from all of you. We met so many of you who came long distances and I cannot begin to tell you how much that really touches Lucinda and how it inspires her, the reality is that the kind of support we saw on this leg is what makes it really easy to go out and play.
    Just fantastic.

    The next leg of the US tour will begin on 5/28 in Anaheim and go thru the southwest, Tucson, Phoenix, Albuquerque etc., will finish in mid-June before she takes a short break prior to heading to Europe. The last few shows of the the US leg are still being firmed up but it will most likely end up in the midwest following the Bonaroo show. Cities most likely will include Cincinnati, Green Bay, Milwaukee among others and possibly finishing up with a couple of special shows in Chicago-but that is still tenative.
    Thanks again and we’ll hope to see you soon.



    WOW! Those are challenging times, and from show reports and photos, Lu and the band were still able to shine. Thanks for hanging in there and not giving up the ship.

    Doing flip flops here for that Cincinnati show! I just posted in the Heartless Bastards thread my thoughts on Lu coming to Cincy! I may be making myself a liar, but I do believe, in my heart of hearts, Lu will have a fantastic turnout here in my hometown. Looking forward to May/June tour announcement!

    Safe travels to the land Down Under!


    @TOverby wrote:

    and possibly finishing up with a couple of special shows in Chicago-but that is still tenative.

    “A couple of ‘special’ shows”? Hmmm. And airfare deals between Atlanta & Chicago can usually be easily found. Hmmmm. I better start buttering up the lovely wife! :mrgreen:



    @TOverby wrote:

    a pretty scary bus fire

    And, talk about your “Metal Firecracker!” 😯



    Anaheim? House of Blues I presume.


    Thanks for the post Tom O.

    Fires are always scary, we will be looking for the full report. I’ve been waiting to hear about the continuation of the US tour, and finally we do. And Cincinnati is on the list of cities for the first time, in my memory at least. Wooo hooo. No wait, she was here for a river festival several years ago, but it was when I was on vacation and missed it.

    Hopefully the show will be at the one year old PNC pavilion. The lower seating area closest to the stage is just folding chairs linked together. I suspect it could be configured however the performer likes. I suspect it would be open down front for an admiring crowd to flock.

    Lafayette – Did you have any influence on this cities selection when you went down to Georgia? Did you meet Tom and Lu as well as some of the regulars that post in here I saw you comment on? I’ll be watching closely for tickets.

    tntracy – Cincy is a Delta hub, I bet you could get a cheap flight from Hotlanta here from that direction at least. Or just autothrottle up 75.



    Stevarino, never had the opportunity to meet Lu and Tom in Atlanta. I’ve been cheerleading from the sidelines, though. I, too, missed Lu’s appearance at “Tall Stacks.” It was a timing thing for me as well.

    I knew the news would carry well with you! As far as autopilot on I 75, it is probably one of the easiest drives I have made even if at 8 hours. No turnpikes, no major cities to run into traffic (other than Atlanta itself) and I suspect there won’t be that snow issue to contend with in June.

    The timing for this show for me is just about right. I may try to head to Chicago for those “special” shows if they come to fruition. Will have to see if it works into budget and schedule.


    @stevarino wrote:

    tntracy – Cincy is a Delta hub, I bet you could get a cheap flight from Hotlanta here from that direction at least. Or just autothrottle up 75.


    Yeah, that’s a possibility as well, Steve. Kind of a “reverse” of the trip Lafayette just made. And, I have driven as far as Lexington, KY for a Lu show in the past. Cincinnati is not much farther. But, the appeal of the Chicago possibility is that it would be two shows for the price of one trip. Two “special” shows, no less.

    Now if the Cincinnati show were followed up by the Chicago shows, I could drive to Cincy first, then go to Chicago from there. Hmmm…

    Oh well, I’m just dreaming for now. Time will tell.





    New dates are on the “shows” page, Anaheim 5/28, Tucson 5/29, and Phoenix 5/30. That’s the Memorial Day weekend (no it isn’t) and Phoenix is an hour away by air. Could be a wild weekend.

    edited for wrong holiday weekend attribution 😕


    Thanks, Tonyg, for the fast notice.
    However, Memorial Day is actually May 25, before the tour starts.


    Ooops. Thx for the correction. You going?


    Madison Theater in Covington, KY works for me ! I saw Amos Lee there a few months ago. Perfect! General Admission (we know how Lu loves that),open floor, tables around back perimeter, bar right there as well. It’s small, though, so I’m throwing a dollar down Lu will need 2 nights there.

    THANK YOU for booking Cincinnati ! 😀



    Very interesting that Lucinda is appearing at the Madison Theater in Covington. A tiny little place I know well. For non Cincinnatian’s Covington is right across the river from Ohio in Kentucky, but is a great place for music and restaurants and bars. Its a beautiful old neighborhood built in the 40’s or earlier. And yes the Maddison is always general admission. The place isn’t big enough to have a bad seat. I’ve watched bands from the bar there and thought the seats were great. I hope Tom knows what he is booking. Like Lafayette said there will need to be two nights to accomodate the interested fans.




    Great description of surrounding area, Stevarino. I love Main Strasse in Covington even though I don’t get there as often as I would like.

    I’m going viral with this particular booking. I’ve posted comments on WNKU 89.7 myspace page as well as facebook page shouting Lu is coming back to Cincy! Left a comment on Madison Theater’s myspace page as well.

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