I am new to this forum,but not to Lucinda. I fell in love with her voice and lyrics going back to when I first heard her on a great station in Philly,WXPN. This goes back to I guess,’92 or ’93. Check out that station,NO dissapointments there!
But anyway,the reason for my post here is the song,UNSUFFER ME.From the first time I heard that song,something has always hit me in the gut when I hear that. Is it the lyrics? Her voice? The music? Other than being the BEST song that I have ever heard in my life,I don’t know why it has polarized me so for this long.
Well this morning when I was reading my e-mail,I was reading my daily Bible reading that comes every morning. The reading was Psalm 126. Now I have been struggling with the word FAITH for my whole life(I’m 50). Just in the last 5-6 months I swore to myself I was going to really,truly,without a doubt,learn what faith is.
Now in the last month or two a story has been unfolding to me.What the story was about,I didn’t know.I just didn’t know what the F**k to make of it. But a constant,just keep coming back,just keep coming back was always playing in my head.I don’t do drugs anymore,so that was ruled out right from the start.
For some reason,well truthfully I do know now.But I heard the song UNSUFFER ME in my head,and then I read Psalm 126.If anyone who has had constant struggles with faith,please listen to that song,then read the Psalm.You will go from jaded to blessed.
The story has unfolded! God works through everyone,thank-you Lucinda! I somehow wish she could view this post at some point.