Tucson 2/20

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Tucson 2/20

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    I have traveled to this desert like area via jet airplane and await drinks and dinner with a friend who I have known since I was 6 years old and in the first grade and he still likes me for some reason. And I know for a fact that a famous FF member is also in town so you can expect set lists and anecdotes of the highest order.

    Plus the good news is it is one hour later here than in my home state so it’s already cocktail hour! 8)


    Tucson 2/20
    Something Wicked
    Drunken angel
    2 Kool
    West Memphis
    East Side of Town
    Hickory Wind
    Lake Charles
    Fruits of My Labor
    Are You Down
    Out of Touch
    Unsuffer Me
    Honey Bee

    I Live My Life
    Hot Blood
    Get Right With God

    Rockin in the Free World


    Great show. Lu in good spirits and looked and sounded great. Packed house. I was in the first row of the balcony with Stoger and my school pal and his wife and our vantage point was excellent. The first hour of the show was pensive. The high energy kicked in halfway through Are You Down when the band jammed extensively while Lu stood off to the side; each musician went mental. Protection was next and Lu and the band were in full rock mode. Unsuffer Me was nasty and Stuart wailed loudly with distortion. Hot Blood provided some comic relief with Lu smiling at the end of each verse.

    I will await Stogers penetrating and illuminating analysis. My school pal Mark and his wife enjoyed the show muchly and are already discussing seeing Lu again.

    It was awesome as always to see Stoger and SamishSeaMike the road warrior and was very pleased to meet DDinNJ and her party. While the band and crew motor to San Diego I will fly home I hope, in an hour or so and rest up before heading off to see the fabulous Anne McCue in Hollywood tonight. I will return to the Lu tour Monday at the Troubadour.

    Much thanks to the band and crew for putting up with us as always.


    Tony, excellent report. Thank you. Great to meet you. Safe travels. Loved Foolishness. New phrase in my house. “I don’t need any bullsh$$ in my life”. Always great to see Mr S. We are on to San Diego.


    Another great show.. and good to see Tony and Roger

    I was seated second row center, and it turned out to be perhaps a little too close, but a fun evening,

    At one point during the show, a heavily intoxicated woman literally tried to eject me from my seat..demanding it for herself.. At first, unaware of her inebriated-ness, I thought I must have done something or sat somewhere wrong..
    It was mid-song and right in front of Lu… and fortunately someone came to help her,, by dancing with her until security ushered them back to their seat to resounding boos. I think security stopping the dancing kept people in their seats for most of the concert.. Great time had by all though..


    Awesome Mike, We saw that unfolding from up top and we were very amused. Way to stand your ground. 😀


    thanks to everyone for flattering and lauding me, but I don’t have much to add. It’s great that Mike was involved in an indirect way in that “dancing” incident. I don’t quite understand why the Rialto configures the house differently from Lu show to Lu show, but tony’s right that we had supreme vantage. Just a few things:

    Some technical issues were headed off around song four, but Lu referenced the larger Santa Fe problems, suggesting that “the planets” might be to blame. But this was quite minor. She dropped the last line or so from “Drunken A” in what might have been coughing spasms, but the band covered and played the instrumental on out.

    “Hickory Wind” was solo and sublime. The aborted-dance number was “West.” (song not aborted, but dance).

    Good to see all and sundry, and my friend Brad and date (from Tucson) seemed to enjoy also.

    Just a little love for the KBB, who played zero songs off their first record. The new material is great.

    1 Blackbird (these titles are approximate)
    2 Rain Down on Me (Lillie Mae on fiddle)
    3 Breakdown
    4 Fall on Me (LM on vocal)
    5 You’re Gonna Burn (for the late Ikie, formerly of the Jack White Band)
    6 Goodbye West Virginia (with two Risches and Kenneth only)
    7 [a Freddie King instrumental number}


    From T.O.:
    First time back in Tucson for a few years and Lu was fighting off a little bug. She was worried about her voice but after a little cough in Drunken Angel it opened up and she didn’t have any other problems. She chose Hickory Wind which was a bit of a surprise as it was the first time it was even put in the set as an option. Great version of Foolishness -everyone thought it was the best live version of that song so far. All in all another great night and great audience- really good to be back in Tucson again.
    As mentioned above, Hickory Wind was the only tour song debut—someone did point out that Magnolia had been played in Vancouver so the tour song count is now 61.

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