Troubadour L.A. February 4

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Troubadour L.A. February 4

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    it will be a madhouse. Lots of people trying to sell their tickets on the Troubadour facebook page Paul.


    That is a righteous lineup. I want Jade Bird to do Joy. Brandy would kill Greenvile. The live stream is at 11pm my time, but I may need to stay up for it live.


    Don’t forget your 48-hour window, vm. Are we thinking “Bitter Memory” for Dwight? Least he could do is acknowledge the “LSD” tour from a few summers back, though the first two acts of that bill were the real killers.


    OK sports fans. The day of the show has arrived. Despite Stoger’s pleadings, I have opted to stay home tonight and watch the show with my internet friends. I will list the reasons in order of importance:

    1- I had a heart attack just before Christmas. My doctor said listen to my body during recovery. I asked my body if it wanted to go. It said “nope”.

    2- While staggering back to bed from the bathroom at 2 a.m. I dropped a metal step stool right on the top of my foot, instantly producing a golf ball sized bump on my foot. I can’t put a shoe on and if I did I could barely walk. You may well ask why there was a metal step stool in my way? An investigation is underway.

    3- It’s going to be a long show and Lu is only going to do a few numbers.

    4- There is no fourth thing.


    Well. Not what I was hoping for. Glad I stayed home.


    “A few numbers” by the honoree? I just tuned in un-live, and though it was a guilty pleasure to see Jed Hilly so nervous and shaking, his bombshell words floored me (after Grace Potter’s invented lyrics to “Real Love” semi-floored me). Tony, what’s up?


    Did that grammy nominee Eva O’Whatever really imply that Live at the Fillmore is the best Lucinda album? Does anyone really listen to that one, proportionate to the others? Hmh.


    By then I was barely paying attention.


    As long as I’m bashing Grace Potter here, did we really enjoy that fashionchat she provided? And what about ordering the boys not to play on the first segment of “I Lost It?” Good they came in when they did, for it helped cover up a flubbed lyric between her and Spencer. I’ll put off until tomorrow the show’s last half and a possible third (?!) Nocturnal appearance.


    She was a bit much. At least we were spared an appearance by the ubiquitous Brandi Carlisle.


    O man, I foresee a cyberbattle between tonyg and vmorris over the Carlisle issue. I withdraw from that fray.

    For my money (minimum X 2 + fees, for those who would know), Sara Watkins was the highlight–rescuing “Price to Pay” from its relative obscurity; providing great instrumentals and back-up vocals on “Right in Time”; ably introducing the house band (God bless Val McCallum; God bless Greg Leisz); coming back on stage at end like most of her peers save Yoakum & Potter.

    Did Dwight really call Her “Linda” at one point, or was that a technoglitch? Maybe I missed a syllable. Plus we learned from him that Don Imus has never listened to Tom Petty’s cover of “Changed the Locks.”

    Most all the “fierce women” and “handful of guys” were superb. Thanks.


    Thanks for the review!


    Tonyg, sorry to hear about your ticker. Glad to hear you are doing better.

    I don’t want to be a negative nancy but I was not a big fan of this show. Besides Dwight Y and the powerful rendition of West Memphis, I thought it was a bit of a snooze fest of dare I say it, a bunch of irrelevant people the Americana association is desperately trying to make relevant.

    I really only bought a ticket because of the rumor Lu might play a few songs. I hope she is recovering from her big birthday bash!


    Oh! and I can’t forget Greg Leisz and the band… THEY were great… I mostly just paid attention to what Greg was doing. He is unbelievable.


    I heard SXM hype this on Sat/Sun. Bakerfield Beat channel or Deep Tracks. They play some LW on the former station.

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