Troubadour 2 Feb. 25

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Troubadour 2 Feb. 25

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  • #54012

    God I hope I win. It would mean so much to me. Can we just say I won now and get it over with? 😆


    @tonyg wrote:

    God I hope I win. It would mean so much to me. Can we just say I won now and get it over with? 😆

    Definitely an outstanding (or sitting) post worthy of Post of the Month..

    The year however still has quite a bit left in it.. but for now, the bar is (and I may be too, it is Washington state y’know) considerably higher than it was…


    @stoger wrote:

    @DDinNJ wrote:

    From the lower echelon, Although LU claimed ( at the end of the show ) she started stressed out when she went on, I thought she was solid, but about mid way she did put her foot on the gas and at some point declared something like…..I’m not just a folk singer, I can…..ROCK!!!!!! Foolishness the extended version is great and maybe its because we are out here on our 24th Honeymoon, but again Essence was outstanding

    Silver honeymoon anniversary in Europe for Lu, guys? I can see it happening.

    Very possible, as that was my ” big number” birthday gift from Dominic in 2013. We are headed home to freezing NJ. Was great meeting Tony. Sorry we did not run into Mama. Meet her the last time we were here and would have liked to have said Hi. Tony, I think you will be fine at the Regent, if you are car pooling with Cindy, she can handle anything.


    From Tom:


    Here’s a audience recording of the full show.
    tonyg reported on Lu’s extended rant for “Foolishness”, so have a listen to all the lyrics she added.


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