Thoughts From Stage Left – Indy 4/21

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Thoughts From Stage Left – Indy 4/21

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  • #30662

    Phew! First show down, Ice <---- Broken. For me, the hardest parts were:
    All the guitar changes!! I brought too many…
    The humbling embarrassment of not remembering which songs I start and which ones Lu begins
    Trying to make each song have it’s own identity from both a rhythm and solo standpoint…

    And the wonderful parts:
    Having one of the best seats in the house.
    Meeting fans, hearing their thoughts about the show, stories about past Lu experiences.

    Brain is on fire, need to chill! Thanks for a great time Indy!!
    -Blake Mills


    Blake, You did an awesome job last night in Indianapolis. Your brain may have been working overtime, but you made it look easy. I want to let you know that you definitely succeeded in giving “each song it’s own identitiy”. I found your finger work on the frets to be both deft and clean. I, for one, appreciated all the variety of sounds and tones from your various guitars. It really added to the sonic soundscape.


    Blake, you are an amazing talent. I truly mean that! Thank you for rockin’ us in Indianapolis last night!



    Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. Also wanted to thank Cindy for the awesome Welcome signs! Thanks Cindy!


    I am moving this thread to the “Shows” forum where it probably better belongs.

    No worries, Blake, just some obsessive-compulsive housekeeping that we moderators do from time to time… 😆



    @blake wrote:

    Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. Also wanted to thank Cindy for the awesome Welcome signs! Thanks Cindy!

    My pleasure (as well as stoger)!We had a great time chatting with you last night, thanks for your time, and I thought you were outstanding. Very impressive for one so young. Just remember one thing…when mama’s happy, everybody’s happy. Mama was happy last night 😉 She was grinning from ear to ear not to mention you receiving, what I refer to as the, “I’m not worthy” wave after “Convince Me” [It was “Convince Me”, wasn’t it stoger?]

    I’m hoping I can make it to Chicago, I’m anxious to see you in your comfort zone, and you should be there by then.


    Good Luck Blake! Please come back to Indianapolis soon!



    Blake, just want to add my best wishes for this tour.
    Simply outstanding reports I’ve read for Indy.
    I’m looking forward to seeing y’all in Cleveland, Cincinnati (maybe), [Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto-hopefully]
    Now just a bit off topic but you did a gig in SF at The Independent a couple of weeks back as per your FaceBook page.
    Some fan, or was it you that composed your setlist on a paper plate which you autographed ? 😆

    So what’s the story on the first notation ? LUCINDA[attachment=0:25qfad1a]Blake at the Independent.jpg[/attachment:25qfad1a]

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