This "Blue"

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records This "Blue"

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  • #41301
    Disco Stu

    I should add however that there are tons of live recordings from her entire career, going back before Ramblin’ –in fact today I just found a whole box of cassette tapes of mostly live recordings in her equipment storage space.

    Wow! Here’s hoping some of these see the light of day eventually.

    I’m not an expert on what circulates unofficially, but I know I’ve found and downloaded only a couple pre-1988 recordings…both of which were radio show appearances if I remember correctly. One of which is the recording that made me fall in love with All I Want; it’s a lovely solo acoustic rendition.

    Anything pre-Ramblin’ would be a rare treasure indeed.


    I know the mystery is still not solved from Drunken Angel’s first post as to the origin of This “Blue” version.
    “Blue” videos seem to be very scarce on the Web, but here is one from Zaragoza, Spain on 07/17/2009

    Beautiful audio / video


    dr winston oboogie


    Now where is the tour DVD ???

    btw…I still stand by my original view, that it is the CD version with pictures added by the youtuber…


    @dr winston oboogie wrote:


    Now where is the tour DVD ???

    btw…I still stand by my original view, that it is the CD version with pictures added by the youtuber…

    Dr. A couple of technical observations that convince me that this “Blue” is another version from the CD.

    1. In this You Tube version there is a lot of Bass “rumble” thru the speakers at the beginning. -not so in the CD.
    2. The track time in the You Tube version is 3:36 whereas both the CD and the Zaragoza, Spain versions
    are 3:52

    Anyway, we all agree it is a beautiful song and the mystery will ultimately be resolved by this “Friendly Forum”.



    @tntracy wrote:

    $%*@&#! DANG! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Hoping to verify if “This Blue” was the in-studio recording from the “In Touch With Lucinda Williams’ Essence” CD, I had a copy on eBay in my sights, having bid the starting price of $9.99 on it. As of yesterday afternoon, mere hours before the auction ended, it had only 22 views, at least half of which were mine over the last 4 or 5 days checking to see if anyone else had bid on it. No one had. Schweeeet!

    Then, 1 hour before the end of the auction, someone bested my max bid, raising it to $16. I had to leave for class at school before the auction ended, so I crossed my fingers, entered a max bid of $24.50 (more than i really wanted to spend), and left for school. I lost, the winner paying $25… ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ฅ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ


    Found this from the Austin Chronicle, June 1,2001 re: ” In Touch With Lucinda Williams”.

    On the Jody Denberg side of things, listen for an interview with Lucinda Williams titled “In Touch With Lucinda Williams’ Essence” during the KGSR Sunday Night News, 8-10pm. This interview, a nationally distributed promotional disc recorded in Austin last month, will be heard across the country this weekend as many stations are giving away copies of Williams’ new album Essence before it hits stores June 2. The disc includes a live version of “Blue,” recorded at KGSR during South by Southwest 2001, which will also be featured on this year’s Broadcasts comp, with who else but Ms. Lucinda on the coverโ€ฆ — Raoul Hernandez, Andy Langer
    Anyone have friends at KGSR to obtain this?



    @LWjetta wrote:

    [quoteFound this from the Austin Chronicle, June 1,2001 re: ” In Touch With Lucinda Williams”.

    On the Jody Denberg side of things, listen for an interview with Lucinda Williams titled “In Touch With Lucinda Williams’ Essence” during the KGSR Sunday Night News, 8-10pm. This interview, a nationally distributed promotional disc recorded in Austin last month, will be heard across the country this weekend as many stations are giving away copies of Williams’ new album Essence before it hits stores June 2. The disc includes a live version of “Blue,” recorded at KGSR during South by Southwest 2001, which will also be featured on this year’s Broadcasts comp, with who else but Ms. Lucinda on the coverโ€ฆ — Raoul Hernandez, Andy Langer
    Anyone have friends at KGSR to obtain this?


    Had a little more research fun.

    The You Tube version of Blue appears to have indeed come from KGSR FM and is from Broadcasts Volume 9.
    Listen to it below.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Had a little more research fun.

    The You Tube version of Blue appears to have indeed come from KGSR FM and is from Broadcasts Volume 9.
    Listen to it below.


    Excellent find, LWJ!!! It would make sense that KGSR would use the same “in studio live” track from the interview disc on their compilation CD. I’ve also tried to bid on this “Broadcasts” Volume 9 CD on eBay when it has appeared for the version of “Blue” on it, not thinking they are the same performance. However, like the interview CD, all the KGSR “Broadcasts” CDs were limited edition and are out of print (except for the most recent – I believe this is an ongoing series). Therefore, they also tend to sell in the neighborhood of $30, something I have not yet been willing to spend.

    This seems to “solve” the mystery, but I am not 100% convinced. Interestingly, this link you found, LWJ, simply links in the very same YouTube video that started this! So, while it is purporting to be the same track as off of the KGSR CD, one cannot be certain.

    Also, I Googled on “KGSR Broadcasts Volume 9”, and found this page for the CD. I got excited when I saw there was a “play” button by “Blue”, but it links to another page where the Essence studio track is played!!! (Witness the 3:53 playing time – another good find, LWJ. Plus, it even says it is from Essence!).

    So, while I believe that KGSR is the source of this version of “Blue”, I propose that we do not have undeniable proof. That will take a copy of one of these two CDs, I believe.

    Interesting stuff (if you are a “Lu Geek” like me, anyway! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).


    P.S. Dr. W.O., I respectfully disagree with your assertion that this is the same performance as on Essence. ๐Ÿ™‚ Try playing just the first 10 seconds or so from both versions. The guitar work is unmistakenly different, IMHO. For example, at 6 seconds in on the “YouTube” version, there is a little “flourish” that is definitely missing from the released version…

    P.S.S. If anyone has $450 in spare “change” (I know I don’t!), that is the starting bid for this 16 volume, 32 CD complete set of the “Broadcasts” series (to date):mrgreen:

    Drunken Angel

    Thanks for almost solving the mystery, LWj!

    I am in agreement with TNT that when we hear the actual bonafide In Touch version, we’ll have it pegged.


    I just found what would appear be the transcript of the KGSR interview on the In Touch With Lucinda Williams’ Essence KGSR CD. At least, it is an interview about Essence that claims to be from 2001 (when the disc was released) on KGSR…



    P.S.S. If anyone has $450 in spare “change” (I know I don’t!), that is the starting bid for this 16 volume, 32 CD complete set of the “Broadcasts” series (to date)… :mrgreen:[/quote]

    Tnt How about $1.62 for the complete Volume 9 – 2nd CD from Go Music Now?
    You can play the ist 20 seconds or so of “Blue”-I’m sure it’s the You Tube KSGR tape. It lists a track time of 3:38

    I think we are coming to the “final” answer.
    Perhaps we can ask T. Overby to chime in on this one. He might be able to con his friends over at Lost Highway for a listen.
    Here is the link to Go Music Now.

    Overall Drunken Angel sure kept us busy.

    dr winston oboogie

    Great detective work LWj, more than happy to concede on which version it is.

    Now Tom O how about that tour DVD ?? to enable us to re-live again and agani.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Tnt How about $1.62 for the complete Volume 9 – 2nd CD from Go Music Now?
    You can play the ist 20 seconds or so of “Blue”-I’m sure it’s the You Tube KSGR tape. It lists a track time of 3:38

    Yeah, I actually did see that, but don’t want to use it. I have read about “Go Music Now” before. There are a couple of problems w/ this outfit, IMHO. One, they are selling music w/o compensation to the labels or artists. Apparently, since they are in Russia, they are able to get away with this.

    And, even if that is not an issue for some, they also (from what I have read) have a minimum download / order amount of $25. Not only do I not want to spend $25 on music downloads from them, I also do not want to give them my credit card info. While it may be safe, Russia & other parts of Eastern Europe are hotbeds for identity theft & credit card fraud, so I do not want to take the chance. But, thanks for the link anyway… ๐Ÿ™‚

    I did listen to the “snippet” there and, it does indeed sound like the same version. I wish it had the lead-in, though, as that is the portion I have compared the most & can therefore discern the differences between right away…



    Just for Drunken Angel, Dr. W and Tntracy inorder to keep this thread rolling until the “final answer” on the shortened version of “Blue” is known-Thought you might like this one.Lucinda & Elvis Costello @ CMT Crossroads in June, 2001 just days after Essence was released.

    Tnt, I strongly agree with your comments on using a credit card-especially to a Russian web-site. I get a little nervous giving my credit card # to Ticketmaster. ( but what other choice do you have to catch a great concert ? )



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Just for Drunken Angel, Dr. W and Tntracy inorder to keep this thread rolling until the “final answer” on the shortened version of “Blue” is known-Thought you might like this one.Lucinda & Elvis Costello @ CMT Crossroads in June, 2001 just days after Essence was released.

    Tnt, I strongly agree with your comments on using a credit card-especially to a Russian web-site. I get a little nervous giving my credit card # to Ticketmaster. ( but what other choice do you have to catch a great concert ? )


    OK trying to fix this link

    try this ( right click to open in new window and click play in the right near the top in the black area.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Lucinda & Elvis Costello @ CMT Crossroads in June, 2001 just days after Essence was released.

    Sorry wrong date
    It was November 5, 2001 and was the first live show for the CMT Crossroads series.

    See the photo below


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