This "Blue"

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records This "Blue"

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  • #41286
    dr winston oboogie

    Yet another of my very favourite Lucinda songs, I have actually been listening to and watching this on youtube for quite sometime.

    I am convinced that someone has just added pictures to the track straight from “Essence” and will be very surprised if that does not turn out to be the case.

    Drunken Angel

    Thanks, Tom O, for commenting – and hopefully Lucinda can shed some light on this version.

    *Also excited to know that the demo does exist*

    TOverby wrote:
    There is a version of Blue in those recordings but it definitely is not the version heard on the You Tube video. So right now the mystery remains. When we return from Cleveland I am going to have her listen to it–I have a feeling it might have been done for TV show or something like that.Well this is a bit of a mystery -however I have not played it for Lucinda yet and I’m sure she will know.

    Just a wild guess. Could it be on the following from 2001.
    In Touch with Lucinda Williams’ Essence-including a rare-live-in-studio performance of Blue.

    (Loved Difficult Child ( Port Arthur ) Keep on writing Lu.




    @LWjetta wrote:

    Just a wild guess. Could it be on the following from 2001.
    In Touch with Lucinda Williams’ Essence-including a rare-live-in-studio performance of Blue.

    Oh man, good thought, LWJ. I forgot about that disc. I have tried to pick up a copy the few times it has shown up on eBay, but I have always been outbid. So, I have never heard it, but that is a very likely suspect!



    Interesting -I’ve been going thru her “archives” and have found some interesting things but I haven’t come across one of these, so I don’t think Lucinda even has this.

    Drunken Angel

    Thanks for trying to track this song, everyone.

    That In Touch is interesting. I wonder if that may be the YouTube version.
    Looks like it’s available here:


    @Drunken Angel wrote:

    Looks like it’s available here:

    Ahhh! 😯 $30!!! No wonder I haven’t been able to get one on eBay. I’ve been bidding too low! 😮



    I asked on You Tube to the person who uploaded this version for more specific details and I just got this reply. You can see the comment on You Tube.

    blaqkroseimmortal (2 hours ago)
    Reply I limewired it ^^ I’m sorry thats all the help I can give you from there on :P.Maybe that’s why it sounds different.
    Perhaps we should wait for TOverby’s final answer



    @TOverby wrote:

    Interesting -I’ve been going thru her “archives” and have found some interesting things but I haven’t come across one of these, so I don’t think Lucinda even has this.

    Interesting things to start filling that boxed set ?? 🙂


    $%*@&#! DANG! 👿

    Hoping to verify if “This Blue” was the in-studio recording from the “In Touch With Lucinda Williams’ Essence” CD, I had a copy on eBay in my sights, having bid the starting price of $9.99 on it. As of yesterday afternoon, mere hours before the auction ended, it had only 22 views, at least half of which were mine over the last 4 or 5 days checking to see if anyone else had bid on it. No one had. Schweeeet!

    Then, 1 hour before the end of the auction, someone bested my max bid, raising it to $16. I had to leave for class at school before the auction ended, so I crossed my fingers, entered a max bid of $24.50 (more than i really wanted to spend), and left for school. I lost, the winner paying $25… 🙁 😥 👿



    Well, her record label has recently mentioned doing a box set, but I think a new studio album will come first. She definitely doesn’t have the giant vault of unreleased studio recordings that Mr. Young or Mr. Dylan have- (based on the bootlegs that I have, he hasn’t even really scratched the surface yet) but what she has is worth hearing. I haven’t gone thru everything yet so I think there are still some discoveries to be made.
    I should add however that there are tons of live recordings from her entire career, going back before Ramblin’ –in fact today I just found a whole box of cassette tapes of mostly live recordings in her equipment storage space. Also found a big box of press and photos -some of which looked to have been taken during the Car Wheels sessions.


    @TOverby wrote:

    but what she has is worth hearing.

    Hear! Hear!!

    (So to speak… 😳 :mrgreen: )



    @tntracy wrote:

    Then, 1 hour before the end of the auction, someone bested my max bid, raising it to $16. I had to leave for class at school before the auction ended, so I crossed my fingers, entered a max bid of $24.50 (more than i really wanted to spend), and left for school. I lost, the winner paying $25…

    What a bummer.
    Missed by a measly $0.50


    Drunken Angel

    That’s too bad that you were outbidded at the last minute, TNT. I have a feeling the next time will be the charm.

    Thanks for trying to get the info from the YouTube guy, LWj. I actually downloaded Limewire to see if I could find some info on “This Blue.” There were 4 different “Blue” files. I attempted to download 3 of them but each one gave me a prompt that said the files contained viruses and stopped itself from completing the downloads. I deleted Limewire from my computer.


    @Drunken Angel wrote:

    I attempted to download 3 of them but each one gave me a prompt that said the files contained viruses and stopped itself from completing the downloads. I deleted Limewire from my computer.

    Smart move. That’s the problem with anonimously “shared” files. You never know what kinda malware they may be infected with.

    We’ll crack this nut yet! I really am betting it’s from that “In Touch…” interview disc at this point…


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