This "Blue"

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records This "Blue"

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  • #30007
    Drunken Angel

    Can someone tell me where this stripped-down version of “Blue” is from?
    A demo?


    You are right this is a great version. I wonder if it is from her solo tour with Doug a few years ago?


    Yes, I do like this version (it doesn’t hurt that it’s one of my favorite Lu songs). I have never heard it before, and it’s hard to tell if it studio or live. But, AFAIK, there are no “alternative” or “demo” versions of “Blue” extant, so I would be willing to bet it is indeed live, but with a respectful, listening (i.e., quiet) audience…


    Drunken Angel

    Thanks for the replies.
    Blue is one of my favorite LuSongs ever. I happened across that YouTube version and wondered if it might be available somewhere. While I love the Essence version, the stripped-down one just reinforced my love….
    And you’re probably right, tntracy, about it being captured in a good live setting.


    I don’t think it is live…her vocals sound nearly identical to the studio version of “Blue” on Essence. Listen to them one right after the other…


    Yeah, I agree about the vocals – I, too, have played this version & the one from Essence back to back repeatedly (especially the opening). The vocals are indeed very similar; however the guitar work is a bit different. But, it doesn’t surprise me that the vocals are so close – I don’t recall Lu having any different interpretations of the vocals the several times I have heard “Blue” live.

    The only reason I think this version is live is because there is no “alternate” studio version of “Blue” that I have ever come across (which is not to say it definitely doesn’t exist – just that I have done a lot of searching over the years for any and all existing Lu studio recordings and have never even heard of one). The only other possibility is some sort of re-dub by a third party, but I doubt that is the case here…


    Drunken Angel

    I thought about that third party redubbing idea, too. That maybe they used something to take out the orchestration and most of the electric guitars found on the original. But I don’t think it’s the same vocal track.

    The acoustic guitar on the chorus is amazing. At least I think it’s an acoustic guitar.


    Sure sounds like LW and Doug, the way they did it in early 2006. Maybe one of the shows was recorded.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Sure sounds like LW and Doug, the way they did it in early 2006. Maybe one of the shows was recorded.

    Well, I know of one of the shows that was recorded from the audience – I have the bootleg. It was March 3, 2006 at the Voodoo Lounge in Harrah’s Casino in Kansas City, MO. But, the version of “Blue” on that recording is definitely not the same as this one on You Tube – there is too much crowd noise. But, I agree it could be from another one of those acoustic Lu & Doug shows that year.

    The mystery continues…



    @tntracy wrote:

    The mystery continues…


    This is turning out to be another trivia question. i.e. Lu’s middle name of Gayl.
    Anyway, I signed on to You Tube as lwjetta to ask the question as to the origin. Maybe we will get the answer from the person who uploaded the song.




    @LWjetta wrote:

    This is turning out to be another trivia question. i.e. Lu’s middle name of Gayl.

    Maybe it came from this site?



    @LWjetta wrote:

    This is turning out to be another trivia question. i.e. Lu’s middle name of Gayl.
    Anyway, I signed on to You Tube as lwjetta to ask the question as to the origin. Maybe we will get the answer from the person who uploaded the song.

    If you look again at the You Tube link posted by Drunken Angel, I just received a reply from the person who uploaded this. Simply says “from the album Essence”
    I’ll have to dig out my CD and compare again.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Simply says “from the album Essence”
    I’ll have to dig out my CD and compare again.


    Hmmm. I’ve alredy done a close comparison – they are definitely different versions. The guitar work in particular is different…



    Well this is a bit of a mystery -however I have not played it for Lucinda yet and I’m sure she will know. I did ask her about it, but she couldn’t really say without hearing. It is definitely not from the Lu and Doug tour because while we record everything, those show all remain in the hard drive. Also Doug did not play any acoustic guitar on that tour and that is not Lu playing the part on this recording.
    TNT surmised that it might be a demo, although he was unaware that any existed. Well they actaully do exist, as I recently discovered them. It is in the form of the entire album being played by just Lucinda and Bo Ramsey over a couple days in a Gnashville studio. It is pretty great. There is a version of Blue in those recordings but it definitely is not the version heard on the You Tube video. So right now the mystery remains. When we return from Cleveland I am going to have her listen to it–I have a feeling it might have been done for TV show or something like that.


    Awesome! Thanks, Tom. I look forward to Lucinda’s take on this “mystery”…


    @TOverby wrote:

    Well they actaully do exist, as I recently discovered them. It is in the form of the entire album being played by just Lucinda and Bo Ramsey over a couple days in a Gnashville studio. It is pretty great.

    Wow – how cool would it be to have that, along with a lot of other unreleased material, in a career-spanning, multi-CD box set? (*Hint, Hint*)… 😉 😈 :mrgreen:

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