The Truth About Pittsburgh

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows The Truth About Pittsburgh

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  • #28874
    Inside Job

    Yes there was indeed an 11:00 union curfew, but unfortunately a couple of other things happened in Pittsburgh to contribute to the appearance of a “diva” moment that was intended to be anthing but. Due to some circumstances beyond Lucinda’s control the show started about 10-15 minutes later than planned, and she was aware of the hard 11:00 finish.
    As a result she decided before the show ever started that she was going to play straight through to make up time, and get the entire set list in, which she did, with a couple extra to spare. She also talked slightly less that she has been lately, for the same reason. The problems were twofold. In all the impromptu-ness of spontaneously playing Side Of The Road, Minneapolis, and the two-day old Little Rock Star, which the band hadn’t even heard before, she forgot to tell the audience that she was playing straight through. In addition, because she did really appreciate the audience, she played the previously mentioned trio of songs for the first time this year, and played right up to 11:00 sharp. In actuality those three songs were meant to be the beginning of the encore, but she just failed to tell everyone what was happening, including the band, who she told just prior to Side Of The Road.
    There was no argument or disagreement with the band, just some honest spontaneous confusion created by her wanting to play straight through- and do some songs that she hadn’t done all year.
    The other problem that also created the impression that an encore was happening, was that for some reason no stage hands came out on stage, AND the house lights did not go up right away. The house people apparently were also confused about what was happening. In the end it was nothing more than a case of good intentions gone a little wrong. It is very unfortunate that some fans left with a bad taste, because she truly did think it was a great audience, and she didn’t realise, and still isn’t aware of the impression that was left. She would be very very bummed if she did and would want everyone to know what happened. Now you do.


    Interesting about this show. It sounds awfully similar to her Edmonton show in June where she started late (because her clock was still on BC time), decided to play right through without the usualy formatlities of an encore, and then suddenly had to be done at 11PM which seemed to surprise at least her – if not her crew, etc.. This sudden end to the show was also rumored to be due to union issues. It was such a shame as it seemed they were really enjoying playing and I think she would have gone on for awhile more..

    Anyway, it was still a great show but it seems to me that Lucinda would rather wind her show down and have a proper good bye rather than suddenly be done.


    Are you traveling with Lu & crew on this tour, Inside Job ❓

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    That sounds more like it! After seeing her recently her I couldn’t imagine Lucinda would do anything to upset her fans. She seems like a real sweetheart! To be honest, even if she was a diva I would come back just for that killer music.


    I hope Lucinda knows that the whole crowd loved the show here in Pittsburgh. I think only one jackass is on here complaining and he really shouldn’t be. This guy made it sound like alot of people were dis appointed and that clearly was not the case. I can’t understand why he even bothered to write on this forum after seeing such an amazing show. I for one can’t get over how good LW and her band sounded. And that was the vibe all around after the show ended.

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