The Rising

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general The Rising

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  • #31753
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks to Stoger and all the others bringing these shows to life for us over here in UK/Europe, much appreciated, if it was not for you guys we would not hear or see any of this.
    Intrigued that many shows include The Rising as one of the closers, I have hunted You Tube but with no luck, and I would really like to see ot at the very least hear Lucinda cover this one……

    Can anyone help ?????


    Looks like someone recently posted it:


    …ask, and you shall receive. That’s the way the FF rolls.

    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you ver much, appreciate you taking the time and effort to post this, just watched it once at work so far,
    will watch further at home, excellent work by the whole band.

    So Lucinda/Tom – Come On Over To The UK – and let us see this live.

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