The Return of Lucinda Williams to the Live Stage

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows The Return of Lucinda Williams to the Live Stage

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  • #81966

    [as part of “Colin Linden and Friends” at the outdoor Wine Garden of City Winery, Nashville]

    1 Come to Me, Baby (followed by “The blues has gotten me through these days. We listen to a lot of blues”)
    2 Get Right with God [preceded by “We all know somebody who needs to get right with God”]
    3 You Can’t Rule Me

    Lu provided a good preview of Halloween (same bat time/same bat channel: see the “Tour Dates” thread). Quite a bit of dancing across the stage was in evidence, and she acknowledged the presence of “guitar techs and tour managers” in preparation for the real live music deal (Travis and Lauren from the crew were present). After song three, as the next “friend” approached the stage, Lu wasn’t quite ready to give up the mike: “I hate to bring this into it, but everybody vote. Our lives are on the line.”

    Stuart was along, plus Colin’s Nashville-based band. It was almost like the early 2000’s all over again with that Howlin’ Wolf song opening the mini-set, though it was always the encore-closer back then. Colin produced that tribute album I think.

    Check out Colin’s 2003 album Big Mouth, where Lu duets with him on “Don’t Tell Me.” Lu adds some lyrics not in the liner notes to that one, at the end. Also, she sings on track one of Colin’s side project Blackie and the Rodeo Kings album from a few years back, as one of the “Queens” on a record featuring diverse female vocalists on each song.

    Who’s wearing orange and black and coming in to Nash for Halloween?


    Thank you for the recap, Professor.

    I always looked forward to your road warrior observations and insight, so much so…

    I’m finally baaack!


    Yay Stoger and Lafayette!

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