"The Methuselah of Righteous Cool"

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    Well-written take on modern Bob, imho.



    ‘To live above the law, one must be honest’ (R.Zimmerman)


    Happy Birthday to Bob.
    Born this day in 1941.




    CB: Saw this posted at The Neverending Pool about your boy Johnny…

    I was at the shows in Sauget and South Bend and noticed that John Mellencamp’s set was being professionally filmed at both shows. I just checked his website to see if there was an explanation for it and found this:

    Also present were acclaimed photographer Kurt Markus and his son Ian, who are filming a documentary of John during the tour and the recording of his next album, tentatively titled “No Better Than This.”

    Therefore, if you’re going to a show this tour, look for yourself in an upcoming documentary.


    Thanks, Lefty. Yes, I saw Kurt side stage (and his son) doing still photography and filming. There could be a possiblitly I’m in footage. I was lucky enough to be on the rail front and center at Sauget, IL, so who knows. I even was photographed for the local paper, but after seeing my old lady arms (triceps) flapping in the air, good grief, I hope I’m not in any of Kurt’s footage clapping my hands.

    My boy, Johnny, I like that….

    The Dylan fans are hard core when it comes to lining up. I was next to a gal (on the rail) that had set up camp at 2:00 a.m. I got in line at 2:30 PM ;-). I am heading to Dayton and Eastlake later this week and then that’s it for me. Enjoy your NY show. I loved hearing Dylan perform “Highway 61” and “Like A Rolling Stone.” John has covered both of those songs in the past. “Just Like A Woman” , “Jolene” were other highlights, plus seeing Bob play guitar was awesome, plus seeing HIM was just so cool ( I did see him a few years ago with Elvis Costello and Amos Lee, he played guitar at that show too). Oh, yeah, the gal next to me was quite entertaining. Every time Bob sang (talked) a line, she was convinced he wanted her. Good grief, all night long, I listened to her pine for Bob.


    Apparently, CB, Bob’s Sauget rendition of “Forgetful Heart” off the new album had Dylan Freaks all a-twitter. Some memorable vocalizing along with 3 harp solos (soli). How did that one grab you?


    @Lefty wrote:

    Apparently, CB, Bob’s Sauget rendition of “Forgetful Heart” off the new album had Dylan Freaks all a-twitter. Some memorable vocalizing along with 3 harp solos (soli). How did that one grab you?

    Lefty, I am embarrassed to say I don’t remember…I have listened to the record a few times and I guess that just didn’t grab me. I will pay attention at the next show, if my friends decide to stay. The gal I was with left with some mellencamp peeps, called me from the hotel, asking where I was. I said, DUH, I’m on the rail being educated by Bob Dylan 😉


    I think the initial, general reaction to “Forgetful Heart” on the TTL album was “forgettable.” But, performing it live, ol’ Bob seems to have found *something* buried within – – that’s why I go see him.


    Lefty, I did get to hear “Lay, Lady, Lay” in Dayton! It was the second song, I believe, and I only was able to hear one more before my friends were ready to leave. Speaking of friends, the photographers (yes, as in more than one) in the pit, during Willie’s set, were very enamored with my one friend, so we ended up getting our picture taken by the Dayton Daily News. It wa so HOT, 91 degrees, we lined up at 12:30, however, it was so worth it as we got on the rail. Kurt Markus ended up taking footage of us at that show. He ran into me at the Eastlake show, recognized the hat, told me I was rocking it out and hoped I didn’t mind him videotaping me. I told him no, I just hoped he kept that editing feature in mind…I didn’t get to stay for Dylan’s set at all for this show, but my one friend stayed, a follower since the 60’s, and was a little disenchanted with his “singing.” She said she couldn’t understand one word. HA!

    These GA shows, back to back, I highly recommend if you want to lose weight, quick.


    I must say, a fine-looking flock of “rail birds” there! Said with the utmost respect! Is that your ‘stang blanket(?) over the rail, CB?
    Regarding the Bobster, I think there are more than a few nights when he doesn’t understand his singing either! I’ll close by saying…

    “Free Donnie Herron!”


    Oh, good grief, you throw these questions at me and I keep failing the test. I thought it was an Ohio State blanket, I even had a conversation with the gal that brought it, but can’t remember for the life of me anything about that blanket. It was comfortable, though, hanging on the rail. I was straight as an arrow, too. Johnny does that to me, I guess.

    I almost forgot about the one photographer. I somehow started talking to him about Lu, and he told me he had listened to “Sweet Old World” on the way over to the venue. I just had to relay my Lu story and her playing “Lafayette” at the Covington show. He was truly genuine in his response as he thought it was the coolest thing…

    The other thing I forgot to mention is someone (or two) in the crowd was showing John some love. Midway through his set a beer carton with a few empties flew across the rail and into the pit area, and then as he was leaving the stage a beer bottle was thrown, plopping right behind him as he was exiting. Ay yi yi.

    I have to say, Dylan fans rule. They were in line very early for all three shows I attended.


    My guess, CB, is that Grampa Willie’s followers and not Bob’s were lobbing trash at Johnny. Another reason why I’m not wild about these ballpark shows. The novelty has worn off (at least for me).



    Yep, three shows is enough for me.

    HA! John is no stranger to having things thrown at him. I’ve heard in interviews he has taken beer bottles to the head early in his career, one even knocking him out, I believe.



    The writer here gives props to JM, CB.

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