The Essence/Those Three Days/Come Pick Me Up Connection?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records The Essence/Those Three Days/Come Pick Me Up Connection?

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    In her NYC dates Lucinda said both Those Three Days and Essence were inspired by Ryan Adams’ Come Pick Me Up. Now, I can totally see the intertextuality of Essence and Come Pick Me Up but not so much Those Three Days.

    My question, did she misspeak or is this true? If so, what themes of the Ryan Adams song are in TTD? Also, did she really write two songs in response to Come Pick Me Up?




    i had not heard that. very interesting. i love the ryan adams song. it features ms. kim richey, if i’m not mistaken…



    oh that’s interesting I’m a big fan of Ryan’s as well and had never heard of this


    She says that “Essence” was influenced by Ryan’s “Come Pick Me Up” during the Essence night from her stint at the El Rey. But, she can’t remember his name and she tries to sing the chorus from “Come Pick Me Up” but gets it wrong. It was kind of funny. If you have the CD from that night, you can hear her talk about it either before or after “Essence,” can’t remember which.

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