Thanks For Nothing

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    I waited outside the tour bus in Richmond last night to get Lucinda to sign my CD. Only me and friend where waiting, no one else. When she came out of the bus I asked her to sign my CD and the dude escorting her in said she never sign stuff before a show, but she would do it after. Well after the show she had a meet and greet with special people and I could have had her sign something had I waited an hour or so for her to come out of the venue. It was just to much trouble to take 10 extra steps to sign an autograph. Glad to know we support her and buy her music so she can keep on touring and eating. I guess she is just to big a star to take a second to appease a fan. I wasn’t asking her to give up her first born, just have her sign a CD. Glad to know I have met a lot of other musicians that have no trouble to take a second to say hey to a fan.

    Thanks Lucinda for nothing


    Sorry to hear that Joel. She is usually quite friendly.


    Sorry you feel that way but we have a standard policy that she doesn’t sign as she’s going in to to start the show. No exceptions. And as far as I know that is pretty much the standard for most artists and has nothing to do with being too good for the fans. There are several reasons, but the main reason is that at that point she is in show mode -in effect she’s going to work—also if she stops to sign one, often times many others come up and then everyone inside is left waiting and the show doesn’t start on time. If the show doesn’t start on time and we have a curfew which we sometimes do then we may not have time to do the entire show. I don’t think any of that should be too hard to understand. And for the record she did come outside and sign and take pictures for everyone that was still there last night, so u weren’t the only ones waiting. It did take her longer to come out last night, not because she was meeting “special people”, but because we had a rare opportunity to film the show last night and we were doing some spontaneous aftershow filming including her signing outside. And I should also add that she has the right to meet with whoever she wants after the show- be it family, friends or fans as it often times is. The last thing I will say is that she is very very generous with her time and completely understands that her fans support her, but unfortunately it didn’t work out in your time frame last night. Sorry, but that sometimes happens.


    I have met a lot of musicians before and after shows. I talked to all the members of Guided By Voices almost every time I saw them. Robert Pollard even let me come back in the Green Room and signed my CD and talked with me for a while. A few years back I showed up early to pick up my tickets at the Cat’s Cradle in NC, I walked right in and watched American Music Club’s sound check after that, the entire band all spent time to chat with me and signed a poster I was holding. A few weeks ago I saw Jason Isbell and he played at Colonial Downs in VA, where the horses race and he played sets in between horse races and he and his band spent time signing stuff and talking to people and after the show the band all hung out and signed more stuff for fans. I understand she is in go mode, but there were only two of us, not 50 people rushing her for autographs. And as for the curfew. The opening band was cancelled, so I am sure time was no issue. She came on at 8:40 or so and only played about 2 hours. So you are telling me that close to 11pm all shows at the National need to be over, come on. I have been there several times and bands have played later that that. I had already been waiting for an hour to get my CD signed and I had no clue how long she was going to do the meet and greet and had an hour drive home. If that is her policy then fine, but it left a sour taste in my mouth. I probably wont go see her again or buy any more of her music.


    @Joel wrote:

    I probably wont go see her again or buy any more of her music.




    Joel, It’s a bummer you didn’t get your cd signed. You can still listen to and enjoy her music. That’s what its really all about.

    I’m a major Neil Young fan. If I tried to get within 100 feet of him before or after a show, his goons would have me killed on the spot.

    The next Lu show you attend, just wait for your chance.


    One thing you gotta remember about Neil is he is not playing 1500 seat venues where he walks from the tour bus right into the show. He is doing huge mega-plexes, where unless you are on the list you are not getting near him, but I am sure if you ran into him he would stop and say hey. I did not know Neil Young had goons. When I get big I want some goons.

    dr winston oboogie

    Joel, I am really sorry you feel like you do and that things did not work out for you on the night.

    I feel I MUST defend Lucinda and agree wholeheartedly with TOverby, as the last time I went to see Lucinda things happened just as TomO described, after the show Lucinda came out and TomO directed her straight to me as TomO and I had talked earlier, she was absolutely great and was prepared to spend lots of time with us talking,taking photos, signing autographs etc, so much so that I had to acknowledge the 30-40 others who were waiting and “hand Lucinda over” to them, and we watched as she happily met and dealt with them all in the same way, a truly wondereful lady full of empathy and compassion for all her fans, and pefectly rounded off a perfect evening.

    As for not going to see her again or buy any future releases, obviously that is your decision and your decision alone, but that is something I could not do and I would advise you not to do that as you would be the loser in the long term by turning your back on such wonderful music and lyrics, and a great perfoirmer and person.


    First of all why do you feel the need to defend Lucinda? Are you a long time personal friend or relative or just another fan? Why can’t Lucinda defend herself? Probably cause she doesn’t read the forum, doesn’t remember it happened or even cares. Now if she got on here and made a reply that would be something. As far as waiting to get my CD signed I did wait, an hour before the show, and actually even longer cause I was having dinner at the Gibson Cafe next to the National, and could see the tour bus door from where I as sitting. Had I known she doesn’t sign stuff before a show I certainly would not have wasted my time doing it. After the show I had no idea if she was going to be in hanging around inside the venue for 15 minutes or 3 hours, and I live over an hour away, and I felt like enough of a stalker waiting as long as I did before the show.


    She is a human being. If Lucinda’s music teaches us anything, it’s to acknowledge, accept, and even embrace humanity, even if it’s sometimes disappointing.


    @hyacinth_girl wrote:

    She is a human being. If Lucinda’s music teaches us anything, it’s to acknowledge, accept, and even embrace humanity, even if it’s sometimes disappointing.

    Very well said, hyacinth_girl…



    what a crybaby!
    try again another time, stop boring us…


    That is what I am going right now sitting at home crying. I just stated at fact that I waited a hour for an autograph and got denied and like I said there was only 2 of us waiting not a huge fanatical crowd. I am sorry to all you worshiping fans, myself as a fan too, just wanted her to sign my CD cover and I would have prevented the show from going on by maybe 45 seconds. Remember making music and touring is just her job. Granted a job that puts her in the pubic eye to some degree and a job that makes people feel good if someone enjoys her music. Your job is different and so is mine. I don’t have a job where people want to get my autograph, I am just a slob who is serving my country and have been for over 20 years first in the US Navy and currently the US Coast Guard. Years ago us military folks were looked at as low life scum. Over the past few years that perception has changed. Us in the military do it cause we love our country and not due to the wages we make. So, hope you all sleep good tonight knowing, YOU all can voice your opinion is a country like this.


    Thank you for your service to our country Joel. I had a similar experience with Kenny Bernstein one time. I was in an airport and rushing things – interrupted his conversation with someone else to ask and he put me in my place. I held ill feelings toward him for awhile but came to accept that he was right. As was said already, we are all human and put our pants on one leg at a time. Thanks again for your service and hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.


    Bones I understand where your are coming from, it is a total drag when you see someone you admire or enjoy what they do and finally by change get to meet them and you set slighted. Almost every time I have met a celeb or musician they have had no problem taking a second to chat or sign a cd or piece of paper. I have met at great number of celebs in airports. I used to travel a lot at my last duty station. I met Gregg Allman, Paul Stanley, Hubbie Brown, Martina Navratalova and Darrel Strawberry. Darrel seemed a little put out that I asked him for his autograph. At that point I in his career he was way past his prime and should have been glad someone remembered who he was. I was denied hard one day by Guy Fiery in Philly. He was walking around the streets with a cell phone up to his ear, and ducked into Starbucks and came out still on it. He may have been talking on it or it may have been a ply. I used to live in the same town as as him in Santa Rosa, CA and used to go to his restaurent, Johnny Garlic’s all the time and watch Food Network quite a bit.

    Sorry to anyone I pissed off I just needed to vent and really was looking forward to the show and hoped I would get to meet Lucinda. I was totally bragging to my friend who could not go that I was gonna get her to sign my cd and that would have made my day.

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