Tarrytown, NY – 6/15/2014

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Tarrytown, NY – 6/15/2014

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  • #31551

    In an old-timey thee-a-ter, hard by the Hudson River, near where Washington Irving’s Headless Horseman scared the #@&% out of Ichabod Crane, Ms. Williams and the guys added to their own legend…

    Blessed (Lu starts out on her lonesome, soon joined by the band)
    Drunken Angel
    Crescent City
    Mrs. Lefty & I thought these first 4 songs seemed “off” – A bit hurried, a little mechanical. That would change with…
    Jackson – simply wonderful 🙂
    2 Kool – 8)
    Compassion – “Down where the spirit meets the bone” …Happy Father’s Day shout-out to all dads, especially Miller
    Side of the Road – always great to hear
    Everything Has Changed – yes, it had by now 🙂
    Blue – nothing mechanical about this one
    Are You Down – Paging Carlos Santana! Smmmokin’!
    Protection – Lefty likey
    Burning Bridges – Lefty likey even more
    Out of Touch – thought it was Essence at first 😳
    Changed the Locks – may have gotten the biggest reaction from the crowd
    Essence – couple making out right in front of us all show really mauled each other during this one 😯
    Joy – both raw & well done
    Honey Bee – same as above

    Ventura – nice
    Pale Blue Eyes – a highlight for us
    Atonement – Sunday night revival style, followed by…
    Get Right with God

    Got to shake hands with the KBB foursome in the lobby … real nice guys; we wish them well!


    Way to go Lefty and Mrs. Lefty!! Great report. 😀


    Great reporting Lefty from a very historic venue.
    Normally our FF gal Lafayette posts the lists to Setlist FM, but I see in the 3 Rivers thread that she was away, so I went ahead to help her out.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Great reporting Lefty from a very historic venue.
    Normally our FF gal Lafayette posts the lists to Setlist FM, but I see in the 3 Rivers thread that she was away, so I went ahead to help her out.


    thanks, lwj. I guess I could check myself, but did the Clearwater, FL setlist ever get found out and included on setlistfm?


    @Lefty wrote:

    In an old-timey thee-a-ter, hard by the Hudson River, near where Washington Irving’s Headless Horseman scared the #@&% out of Ichabod Crane, Ms. Williams and the guys added to their own legend…

    Blessed (Lu starts out on her lonesome, soon joined by the band)
    Drunken Angel
    Crescent City
    Mrs. Lefty & I thought these first 4 songs seemed “off” – A bit hurried, a little mechanical. That would change with…
    Jackson – simply wonderful 🙂
    2 Kool – 8)
    Compassion – “Down where the spirit meets the bone” …Happy Father’s Day shout-out to all dads, especially Miller
    Side of the Road – always great to hear
    Everything Has Changed – yes, it had by now 🙂
    Blue – nothing mechanical about this one
    Are You Down – Paging Carlos Santana! Smmmokin’!
    Protection – Lefty likey
    Burning Bridges – Lefty likey even more
    Out of Touch – thought it was Essence at first 😳
    Changed the Locks – may have gotten the biggest reaction from the crowd
    Essence – couple making out right in front of us all show really mauled each other during this one 😯
    Joy – both raw & well done
    Honey Bee – same as above

    Ventura – nice
    Pale Blue Eyes – a highlight for us
    Atonement – Sunday night revival style, followed by…
    Get Right with God

    Got to shake hands with the KBB foursome in the lobby … real nice guys; we wish them well!

    Wow: not one but TWO American lit. references by our lefty in one post: go man go! “Protection”?? Oh my, what a tour debut, though I have heard it once or twice as introduced under the title “I Need Protection.” And yes, those two rockers off the Essence CD overlap a bit to my ears at their starts. As for that make-out couple, was there any wonder about “who [was] in charge”? “Ventura” may be a tour debut, perhaps a sophomore selection, not sure. And that Sunday-evening double closer: who can doubt the Sabbath was remembered and kept holy?!

    I can pick up the ball in Albany, but why not road trip it on down?


    “I can pick up the ball in Albany, but why not road trip it on down?”

    Stoger, I would love to, but work takes over the rest of the week. Enjoy those superb acoustics at The Egg! 8)


    @Lefty wrote:

    “I can pick up the ball in Albany, but why not road trip it on down?”

    Stoger, I would love to, but work takes over the rest of the week. Enjoy those superb acoustics at The Egg! 8)

    Work? Work? Oh yeah, I’m lucky it’s August thru May only for me. Have already scouted out the Egg–see upcoming other thread.

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