Surprise Show in Austin TX by Randy Weeks

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Surprise Show in Austin TX by Randy Weeks

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    The 4th annual Williams & Williams ( Hank & Lucinda ) Tribute Night took place on Sep.14th at Threadgill’s World Headquarters in Austin.
    Here is the poster for the event.[attachment=0:2o0j8snx]Williams_night1-out.jpg[/attachment:2o0j8snx]

    Well Randy Weeks showed up accompanied by Jess Klein and they did ” Can’t let Go” written by Randy.
    Watch the performance.
    p.s. As I love to research Luology this is from Randy’s web site.

    . To put a fine point on it, he wrote the only cover song on Lucinda Williams’ tour de force, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, “Can’t Let Go.”
    “I love Randy,” enthuses Williams. “I’m a huge fan of his. I’m so glad he’s finally getting his just due. I’ve championed his music for years and years. We knew each other from his Lonesome Strangers days. I opened for those guys when I first moved to California. My boyfriend then, Lorne Rall, played in the band with Randy, so we go way back. He used to send me tapes with songs on them, and that’s where I got ‘Can’t Let Go.’”
    Weeks recalls the exchange a bit different but with characteristic humor.
    “I was playing it at [L.A.’s] Palomino one night, and she came up to me and said: ‘I like that song. What is it?’ About three years later, after ‘Passionate Kisses,’ she asked if I could send her a tape of it.
    “Three years after that, it came out. It was the classic example of a platinum calling card. My confidence grew from that. So, I’m a songwriter now. Funny. Go figure.”


    That’s a great find, LWJ: I’d never heard of this Austin event, and what a great label for it. Annual you say? Randy Weeks moved to Austin within the last couple of years, and only because Lucinda plugged him from the stage some years ago did I know to show up at Culver City’s Cinema Bar on a Saturday night while visiting Los Angeles. He ripped that tiny joint apart bimonthly. His version of “Can’t Let Go” on his record Madeline is superb, and let’s plug those Lonesome Strangers records from the 90’s era too. Yeah, “Still I Long” is a co-cover technically I guess, all respect to the late DJ, but it’s pretty impressive Lu put “Can’t Let Go” on Car Wheels–apparently chosen from a batch of demos he sent her during the final throes of the Lonesome Strangers band days. Great stuff.


    @stoger wrote:

    That’s a great find, LWJ: I’d never heard of this Austin event, and what a great label for it. Annual you say?

    It really is a neat concept, Stoger.
    Anyway, I had posted this some time ago under Lucinda General about the Cactus Cafe, and here is a video from the 3rd annual you might enjoy again or for the first time.

    QUOTE from LW Jetta”
    A recent article said the closure at the Student Union is to take place in August, 2010 but the students have offered to re-locate The Cactus Cafe to their new building next year. No decision has been made yet.

    Anyway, last year was the 3rd annual tribute night held at the Cactus for the Williams (a.k.a. Hank and Lucinda)
    The show invites audience members to get up on stage to do their Hank or Lu thing. The show is produced by Jenny Reynolds-Austin based singer.
    Here is a video of “I think I Lost It” by the Flyin’ “A’s” at the Cactus.
    I hope the show can return for their 4th tribute night.
    And so it did return for the 4th annual night.
    p.s. Since our Lu is doing surprise concerts ( aka George’s Majestic ), wouldn’t it be really cool for her to show up in Austin next year for the 5th Annual Williams & Williams Night ?


    @stoger wrote:

    he sent her during the final throes of the Lonesome Strangers band days. Great stuff.

    That’s the trouble, Stoger with this dang Friendly Forum.
    One thing leads to another.
    Here in black and white are the Lonesome Strangers doing ” Just Can’t Cry No More” from way back in 1989.




    You’re amazing, LWJ.

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