Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19

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    After a great week in Nashville Lucinda and I headed to Fayetteville Ark where she was offered, very spur of the moment, the opportunity to do a surprise solo acoustic show at George’s On Sunday 9/19, with the possibility that her father Miller may open with a poem or two if he is up for it. My apologies to all of the out of towners-and everyone- for the short notice but Lucinda literally gave the thumbs up for this show as we got to Fayetteville tonight. Ok now we just need to find a guitar……


    Oh, how very cool! I hope some friendly forum members make it so they can report in.


    Oh man, I really want to go.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I hope some friendly forum members make it so they can report in.

    Not me. Too far & no money… 🙁 😥



    Word spreads fast. Found this on twitter.

    NWAWhatsup Just announced: Lucinda Williams will perform Sunday (Sept. 19) at George’s Majestic Lounge. Tickets are $20 and available now.


    This tweet is somewhat hijacking the thread, but in regards to great week in Nashville, apparently guitar player for Train (the one that looks like Howie Mandell ;-)) loves Nashville as well, he tweeted, along with a pic, of him and Lu.

    train Just met Don Was at our hotel bar and had a few drinks with the amazing Lucinda Williams. I love Nashville!-JS


    Nashville’s great, yes, Lafayette. Still awaiting someone’s (yours? West Words’?) account of the Friday night studio interview/mini-show. As for Fayetteville on the Sabbath, hmh…


    there’s a band there that a friend is crazy about called “Trout Fishing in America”
    they might be able to loan you a guitar…


    @coffee4throad wrote:

    there’s a band there that a friend is crazy about called “Trout Fishing in America”
    they might be able to loan you a guitar…

    @coffee4throad: are you going to go to the show?


    >coffee4throad: are you going to go to the show?
    can’t, due to an unfortunate prior commitment.


    A twenty hour drive for me, way too far but George’s Majestic Lounge has a very storied history.
    If you get a chance, look up their web site.
    In the meantime a couple of pics for fun.
    Sure hope the train schedule cooperates for Lu and Dad.


    It is about 3 hrs away from me. We leave for vacation on Saturday. Of all the days to leave for vacation. ugggg. 🙄 🙄


    There are a lot of reasons that Fayetteville rules, but one of them is the fact that we occasionally get a last minute show from one of the best singer/songwriters on the planet when she comes to town to visit her father.

    I’m talking about Lucinda Williams, who George’s announced today will be in town for a one-night-only performance at the Majestic Lounge on Sunday, Sept. 19.

    Her father, legendary poet Miller Williams, is a longtime Fayetteville resident, and rumor has it that Mr. Williams may read a poem or two at the show if he’s feeling up to it. Miller and Lucinda performed together in a series of shows called “Poetry Said, Poetry Sung,” including a performance at the Walton Arts Center in 2005.

    Lucinda isn’t currently touring, which makes the show an especially nice surprise.

    The show on Sunday is $20, and tickets are available at George’s ticketing website.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    A twenty hour drive for me, way too far but George’s Majestic Lounge has a very storied history.lwj

    My favorite line I like to use when I know I cannot attend is…

    I would have divorce papers waiting for me 😆 (if I took off for Arkansas so shortly after returning from Nashville).

    West Words

    Mr. Overby, or shall we say SVENGALI 🙄 … I have been hypnotized into attending this show. 24 hours ago it wasn’t even a consideration… think I need to go to rehab… but after this show…

    Bet it’s going to be a great one, but each and everyone of you are very bad influences. 😉 🙂

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