Summerfest II Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Summerfest II Setlist

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    1 Passionate Kisses [solo]
    2 Everything Has Changed [with Doug and David only]
    3 Circles & X’s [in glorious full: may be my new favorite]
    4 Fruits of My Labor
    5 Can’t Let Go
    6 Well Well Well [retooled since ’06, now less bluegrassy and more rockabilly]
    7 [new new one called “If Horses Were. . .”, but it never gets started: Lu is bothered, rightfully so, by noise from an adjacent stage, saying “I wanted to do these soft, sweet nice songs for y’all” then turning to the wings with a “manager, what should I do?” abandons the plan, adding, “I don’t know why they put me last; Alejandro should have been after me”]
    7a Tears of Joy
    8 Real Love
    9 Changed the Locks
    10 Out of Touch
    11 Little Rock Star
    12 Are You Down
    13 Righteously
    14 Still I long for your Kiss
    15 Essence
    16 Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    17 Come On
    18 Honeybee
    19 Joy
    20 Unsuffer Me
    ENCORE: 21 Bone of Contention [a new new one, solo–though it’s pretty uptempo for a solo song—done beautifully, kind of a talking blues: after, Lu tells us that was her “Fourth of July protest song”]
    22 Get Right with God
    23 It’s a Long Way to the Top [punctuated at 12:03 and 12:05 a.m. with announcements over the loudspeaker about the festival grounds now being officially closed, thanks for coming, etc: thank God plays through that and doesn’t seem to hear]

    Great night, Lu finding her smiles and good mood again in the encore, after initially being happy upon walk-on. She said virtually nothing between songs 8-20, but the band was rocking and she fought through the noise issues. City of Milwaukee fireworks dominated the first half hour of the set, Lu saying it was “a new experience” to play through those but taking it in good humor. But the sounds from the next stage were just too much after awhile. Her stage was the Harley stage by the way, and I’ll be damned if there wasn’t an actual cycle mounted in a niche up and stage left. Doug sat in on Alejandro Escavedo’s great set for one song: strangely, “Beast of Burden.” Escavedo played only an hour and ten minutes or so, leaving a full 1 1/4 hour gap between him and start of Lu. There was a core of standing fans up front who would have been happy to have heard ballads all night, through the din, but many other people walked besottedly in and out, cheeseheads in search of refills. Forgive me, but this is one of my least favorite festivals, having been to it three times. Still, Lu turned it into something good: great quantity as you see, probably second best quality even on this tour, next to Apple Valley Zoo.

    So, it being Independence Day, I’m now set to temporarily flee my home country. But for good reason–until the Ottawa Blues Fest posting. . .


    Was there last night. Awesome show. I think this may have been one of my favorite performances, because of the fact of the noise from the fireworks and a nearby stage, Lu decided, “Fuck this, lets rock out.” By far the most straight-through rock concert I have seen from her.


    I was there last night running a spotlight. It was a great show. In fact probably the best show I’ve ever worked at summerfest. After the complaints of the volume level coming from ( Thievery Corporation at ) the Miller Stage, the head electrician and stage manager on headset scrambled to solve the problem. After calls to the stage manager at the Miller stage went unanswered the production manager for the entire ground was called to step in. A song later the decible level went down at least 10 dbs. Which made the show much more bearable and Lucinda had turned up the volume and rocked the f*** out. I felt like she won the fight and made me respect her even more. By playing long after the other stage had gone dark and even after the festival grounds had closed. Everyone who stuck around for the whole show was treated to an amazing evening. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll!!!

    dr winston oboogie


    Thanks for the report and the great review, it is really good to keep up with what Lu is doing, cause this side of the pond it is like she does not exist, and really appreciate these posts, good to hear about the new material as well, with hopefully a European tour later on to promote it.
    Keep up the good work.


    I was at the concert–what a great show. Much better than last year’s at this venue! Lucinda should get mad more often. I would have loved to hear the ballad stuff as she planned, but Summerfest really isn’t the place for it. I hope she’s not mad anymore and plans to return.


    @spotop wrote:

    I was there last night running a spotlight. It was a great show. In fact probably the best show I’ve ever worked at summerfest. After the complaints of the volume level coming from ( Thievery Corporation at ) the Miller Stage, the head electrician and stage manager on headset scrambled to solve the problem. After calls to the stage manager at the Miller stage went unanswered the production manager for the entire ground was called to step in. A song later the decible level went down at least 10 dbs. Which made the show much more bearable and Lucinda had turned up the volume and rocked the f*** out. I felt like she won the fight and made me respect her even more. By playing long after the other stage had gone dark and even after the festival grounds had closed. Everyone who stuck around for the whole show was treated to an amazing evening. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll!!!

    Thanks for the background info. Here’s an ironic touch: Lucinda has been playing a Thievery Corporation song live a fair amount, “Marching the Hate Machines into the Sun”–though she didn’t do it at this show.


    So, I know Lu introduced the band, and forgive me for my ignorance, but does this band have a name? Last time I saw Lu was after West was released, and I don’t think she had a name for the band then, though a couple of the guys are still with her.

    Thanks for the insight.


    BUICK 6


    Ok, that is kind of what I was thinking. Thanks for the confirmation.


    I just realized she played Riders on the Storm and it’s missing from the setlist? Or was it mixed into one of the songs?


    I did NOT attend this show, but “Riders on the Storm” is usually segued from Joy. Perhaps, stoger can elaborate for this specific date.


    Yep, Paul, should have put the old proverbial slash mark after “Joy,” for she did segue into “Riders” from it that night. I’m pretty sure in Ottawa that she did not, however.


    thanks, I wasn’t sure because I was back and forth from another stage.
    Also I’m new to the forum but wondering if her shows ever show up anywhere. I would love to find this show or at least Joy and the Long Way cover?

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