Studio update

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Studio update

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    I’m kind of in la la land myself. I don’t know what it is, I must be confused. I kind of like the honey bee species myself. Believe it or not, I used to fly around with a different kind of bee for 25 YEARS. I did end up getting stung, but I made a fast recovery.


    I made a comment which could probably be taken the wrong way. Didn’t mean it like that though. Guess it makes sense. Words being all twisted. Messes with your head big time. I wish someone could explain it all.

    I just meant that, in the end, I was glad to help out. Even if, at the time, I didn’t know what was going on. Still don’t really. But I do know that I truly meant everything I said and still do. I did experience all those things I talked about previously. I have to keep those positive images in my mind. Never forget them. I still believe in the music, even with all the other things going on. Still think Lucinda is the best and rocks like no one else out there.

    Interesting experience for a first forum, huh? Thanks for the article about Billy Jo Shaver. I could really relate to that. Joining the Navy as soon as he could. Trying to do the right thing, but not always perfect. Believing in a higher power. Admired his Grandma. Everything has changed. My grandmas are all gone now too. I miss them more than anything else. They were my safe harbor.


    As for ‘Honey Bee’, I love that song. It’s a straight punch to the gut that doesn’t compromise. The song is very tactile. The song rocks..really hard. If anyone wants to judge the song strictly by the lyrics, fine. I’d say you are missing something.

    I have to wonder whether Lu wrote that song while touring with The Heartless Bastards. I’d love to strap on a guitar and play ‘Honey Bee’ in front of a rocking crowd. After all, how bad can a song be if it gets a crowd excited? “Come On” might have been a throw away to many, but it has the Grammy nomination.


    Thanks for the bounce back. I appreciate it, but I think I need to clarify something. Throughout it all, I was always making my own decisions based on observations I was witnessing first hand. For example, when I hear comments which essentially state that it’s best to do nothing when someone mistreats you, I highly disagree. I think it’s better to stand up for yourself. Don’t ignore it. But you have to be smart about it or you will get hurt.

    I remember when “do nothing” was the prevailing attitude of the day. The cops would come…..and go. And he would always still remain. You better figure out a way to deal with it (songs). Yeah, I kept a knife under my bed when I slept at night. Just in case things got really bad. You do what you gotta do. Thankfully, I never had to use it.

    And when I see what I interpret as a threat. I want to try and help out. Try to understand what is really going on. It’s just as simple as that. All the posts I made were on my own accord. It just felt like something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I just couldn’t let it go until I figured it out.

    I’m glad it turned out the way it did. Nothing good comes easy. I would have done the same thing. Knowing the person on the other end would completely understand, having been there herself in a way. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


    does anyone else have a fucking clue what StraightOn is blabbering on and on about?


    NOT ONE BIT. I thought I missed something, but….obviously I didn’t.

    Inside Job

    There are now 16 songs recorded, not all of which will make the final record and Lucinda and the band listened down to everything on Sat. night, taking notes for final changes etc. Basically all that remains at this point are a few final overdubs and some vocal harmonies to be added. It is probably 90% completed prior to mixing and mastering. After the listening session on Sat. everyone in the room was just completely thrilled in hearing everything as a whole-as an album that fits together top to bottom.
    The people outside the studio, which includes the label, that have heard several songs, have been very very excited by what they have heard. I don’t want to use the term blown away etc., because that sounds hypish, but it is sounding very special.
    And of course the last word is Lucinda and she has never been happier and more excited about a record she has made at this point in the process.
    While it is very much a Lucinda record -it is different than any of her others and I think there will be some real surprises.


    Thx for the update IJ. Excellent news.


    can’t wait to get me one, thanks for the skinny, I J !

    Lucinda Fiend

    I’M READY…and i’m sure i’ll be blown away…that’s just what LW does to me ALWAYS.. 😉


    Thank you for keeping us in the loop. Bring on the “record”. I can’t wait to catch a few shows next tour. Any info. in that regard would be greatly appreciated. I realize that in an earlier post, you mentioned sometime this summer as a starting point. Please excuse my impatience, it’s just that Lucinda is on my short list of artist worth hittin’ the road for. Last year, Lu and the band did not disappoint. With a year under their belt, this year should be smokin’.


    @Inside Job wrote:

    While it is very much a Lucinda record -it is different than any of her others and I think there will be some real surprises.

    I’m not surprised that we’ll be surprised. 😀 Keep the evolution happening! Thanks!

    dr winston oboogie

    Yet again IJ, thanks a lot for the info/update, it is probably our only way of keeping in touch with these events, and is greatly appreciated.

    Now lets be greedy…Tour info ???… 😆 😆

    Love,Peace and Revolution.


    Greedy indeed…..that’s a pretty accurate description.

    dr winston oboogie

    I really do not understand your issues mate, how about a little enlightenment then.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

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