Strang chain of events and Bobbie Gentry

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Strang chain of events and Bobbie Gentry

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    I must admit it had been a while since I heard a Bobby Gentry song. Then I saw the Little Honey tour and heard Ms Williams channeling her spirit on “Ode To Billy Joe”. Coincidentally I went back to Greenwood, Mississippi in May for my niece’s wedding. One of the many pre-wedding parties was a couple of blocks from that bridge at the end of Grand Boulevard going over the Tallahatchie river.
    Ms. Jill Sobule completed the trifecta on her recent collection of songs called: California Years. A very nice bunch of songs (and one that should not be missed) but, the one that relates is the number: “Where is Bobbie Gentry?” It is a sweet tribute to the great lady of song and the timing of it’s release is uncanny! Well thank you Ms. Williams for starting this chain of events, It is obvious that I need to get some of Ms. Gentry’s recordings. have a nice day.
    Sincerely, means Johnston III

    Smokin Joe

    Wow… Yes it is a Strange turn of Events on Bobbie Gentry… I am a big BG fan.. I posted on the other thread “Pineola” and made a couple comparisons about Pineola and Ode… And how Bobbie claimed people misunderstood the song. I also noticed that Lucinda had Ode to Billy Joe on one of her setlists… Man how I would love to hear Lucinda sing that one…

    Yep.. Roberta Steeter From Greenville MS. That is her hometown.

    Old Bobbie was My Mother’s Fav back in the day. ANd I grew up with BG’s music. I loved the Delta Blues sound that she had, but I really loved they was she mixed Southern Slang in with the Lyrics.. AN example would be “Chunkin Rocks”… ANd I think that you can pick up some 60’s drug overtones prevelent in the south at that time. but that’s just my opinion…

    I know that Sheryl Crowe tried to call Bobbie out and it didn;t work. Maybe this tune by Jill will…

    This thing abut Bobbie is kinda strange how she just dropped off the earth, But for some reason she just gave up the Biz and wanted Privacy… It is unfortunate for her fans.. Last know whereabouts that I heard of was some island off Georgia, to living outside of Hollywood California.

    But there have been rumors or two about her making an appeaence once or twice in Greenwood MS. She still has family there to my knowledge..

    ANyways… I sort of find this a strange irony as well… I do hope that Lucinda will keep adding Ode to her setlist as I’d love to catch it one day…

    But yes.. I find it really ironic that you posted this here.


    Smokin Joe

    Did not mean to compare musicians as much as share music appreciation…

    Susan Tedeschi, J Lang, KWS… Debbie Davies…

    Is there an open Blues forum somehow, somewhere, someway… on da intrawebs?


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