Stockyard Music

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    As I’ve just returned from scouting out the venue, I thought I would start a thread here.

    Of course “venue” is a bit of a misnomer, in that this livestock complex goes well beyond music hall. Things were hopping late afternoon, parking fees already in effect and various and sundry patrons roaming the grounds. My second attempt at Billy Bob’s entry proved unlocked and staffed by a woman in a vaguely box office-looking area. When I asked what time Over the Rhine would be going on, her reply was “What?” The generic phrase “opening act” produced the reply of 10 o’clock–interesting since the posted time has been 10:30 for awhile (could have been updated I guess). Doors were said to open at 6 (!), so the music lover can get in place long before the festivities begin. There was a sign near this which said “daytime admission $2,” so when and how anyone is going to get a sound check I’m not sure. Folks seemed “touring” the table and stage area, best I could tell, as of 4 p.m.

    The stench, well, the stench is noticeable if not unbearable. Let’s just say the tour bus (which I spotted through a hole in a huge barn) will do well to keep its doors closed unless someone really needs to exit or reboard quickly. Speaking of which, I think I spotted Butch next to the underneath luggage storage compartments, but I was a good two corral pens and half dozen head of Herefords distant from him, so I didn’t call out or attempt to encroach further.

    David Allan Coe was last night, Reckless Kelly tomorrow night, so the show is going on. More later. . .


    Hopefully the animals are music lovers.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Hopefully the animals are music lovers.

    Well it was once said that “music hath charms to soothe a savage breast”, but at the animal shelter where I volunteer, our dogs listen to classical… 😉


    West Words

    Please let me preface this by saying Billy Bob’s was my least favorite venue ever for seeing any show, and the situation wasn’t helped any by getting soaked on the way in by the first monsoon after a year-long(?) draught in the Lone Star State. And then having the extra-strength A/C pummeling down on my wet hair and clothes and blowing papers all around, being seated at long PTA style tables, being told by the officials at this world-renowned honky tonk that dancing wasn’t allowed, lots of cigarette smoke, and acoustics so bad we really couldn’t understand what Lu was saying – hence no narrative recap, just the set list follows. Cannot wait to see the Charleston show to have this one wiped from my memory. Lu’s and the band’s performance was good, but the venue – oy.

    1. Can’t Let Go
    2. Metal Firecracker
    3. Pineola
    4. Crescent City
    5. Concrete and Barbed Wire
    6. Well, Well, Well
    7. Price to Pay
    8. Over Time
    9. Born To Be Loved
    10. Blue
    11. Drunken Angel
    12. I Lost It
    13. Still I Long For Your Kiss
    14. Out of Touch
    15. Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    16. Changed The Locks
    17. Joy
    18. Honey Bee

    19. Blessed
    20. It’s Not My Cross To Bear (Allman Bros cover)
    21. Get Right With God


    Awesome set list. Thx West Words!


    Thanks, west words, for doing the grunt work: funny, I kind of liked the experience last night 😀 Well, sort of. Let me skip over the state of my own umbrella(and those of my passengers) and add just a few things:

    James from the sound board pulled me up a chair in that area after a few songs of my swaying back of the sound board in an otherwise empty area–not too far from stage, but not close either. WEst Words is right that those tables (reminding me of nothing so much as the Baptist fellowship hall furniture of my youth) were untenable. I sat right up front for 4 Over the Rhine songs, was bumped (politely) by a legitimate ticket holder. Thanks, James, for main set comfort.

    Karin from OTR credited her then tour manager for turning her on to Lu 20 years ago. Linford noted that they are now making “the honky tonk circuit” in their touring. They did only 6 songs, 3 off new Joe Henry-produced record which features Lu on “Undamned” (not done last night). Poems by B.H. Fairchild and Charles Bukowski inspire respective songs on this disc.

    Backing up a bit, there was a cover band nearer the front entrance which played up till 9:50, then signed off with the line “We’ll be back on stage when Lucinda Williams gets off tonight.” Yes, “gets off.” And it proved true, as they were launching into another set of crowd pleasers just a few minutes shy of 1 a.m.
    During her set, Lu gazed back and wondered whether the people at the very back were dancing to her or to something else. I think it was her, but this place was cavernous.

    Finally, Matt in Merch has been replaced, though he trained the newbie. In the spirit of Susannah, her name is Irene.
    And with that, good night/dood day.


    The moral of this show story is to stay away from the stockyards. Got it.

    Great setlist! I appreciate the one half of the Four Horsemen for taking one for the team on this adventure. It should have been an omen, I suppose, stoger, as you were driving I 35 (?) or whatever route you were taking yesterday, and to said “show” and noticed you were truly in livestock country.

    I did do a quick search late last night on twitter and saw Blake tweet some photos, along with some commentary, indicating this show report was as such.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    The moral of this show story is to stay away from the stockyards. Got it.



    West Words

    Stoger wrote:

    The stench, well, the stench is noticeable if not unbearable. Let’s just say the tour bus (which I spotted through a hole in a huge barn) will do well to keep its doors closed unless someone really needs to exit or reboard quickly… funny, I kind of liked the experience last night Well, sort of.

    And Lafayette wrote:

    The moral of this show story is to stay away from the stockyards. Got it.

    It really was a laughter- and fun-filled night, chockful of disaster movie type misadventures. Was anything but a snarky report possible from a girl who is a vegetarian (and Billy Bob’s menu consists of things like BBQ Baloney and Nachos made with potato chips, BBQ sauce, and brisket), who is allergic to cigarette smoke, whose favorite type of venue has a standing area in front of the stage for the more rabid fans and the elevated seating areas around the perimeter for those who prefer to sit? It was not my scene, but it was an adventure! There was even an indoor cattle corral behind the stage… maybe everyone should experience it at least once in their lives. 🙂


    The title of this thread got me to thinking – perhaps one of our more poetic FF members can write some lyrics for “Stockyard Music” to the music of “Juke Box Music” by The Kinks… 😉 8)



    Courtesy of Blake Mills Twitter.
    The Stockyard Rodeo-a short clip.



    Nice pic of OTR’s Karin at Billy Bob’s.
    Can’t locate any Lu photos.[attachment=0:26avjha5]3Karin at Billy Bob’s.jpg[/attachment:26avjha5]


    I was practically at her feet for the first four songs, LWJ. Good work.


    And now an article/review entitled “Lucinda Williams Right at Home at Billy Bob’s”.

    A few pics included in the above article.
    Here’s one.[attachment=0:2vxyq9kc]Lu at Billy Bob’s.jpg[/attachment:2vxyq9kc]
    Any of the “Road Warriors” in pic 4 or 5 ? 😆



    Don’t think so, LWJ, though pic 5 seems near the sound board, and I think the guy in 4 may have been the one who politely kicked me out of my spot during Over the Rhine’s opening set. Thanks for this–and sorry to hear the Caravan of Dreams venue in Ft. Worth is late and lamented.

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