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  • #32823

    I hear Lu gives good hugs, Red Dirt Girl. How ’bout it? 🙂


    I’d love to meet Lu sometime. Usually I’m with a ‘date’ and they would not think kindly of me playing groupy to Lucinda. LOL ( Let’s face it…I’d leave anyone for Lucinda…she just needs a good man…sigh) Anyway, very nice story, Red dirt Girl…glad you got to meet her.

    I believe the first song Lu played was “Rescue,” which the first review verifies.

    That was my argument to his blog.

    Why play a rocker first song in the set? People are naturally interested when you first start a set of music, so you already have their attention. I’ve always heard the “hits” are better played 3rd in the set. Even the late great Benny Goodman believed in this approach.

    The 1st reviewer criticized Lu for playing a slow spacey number to open the evening…I thought it was perfect.

    Peace,. love and revolution,


    Red Dirt Girl EH

    @Lefty wrote:

    I hear Lu gives good hugs, Red Dirt Girl. How ’bout it? 🙂

    There are no better hugs then Lucinda hugs! Date or no date I would say “You won’t let me hug Lucinda Williams? Let me show you the door..” Haha. I’m a 21 year old girl so it might be easier for me to get away with it. Anyway, thank you Stan! You will meet her! Just don’t almost faint, that was rather embarrassing.

    I love that she started with Rescue. It amazed me she could do something more mellow like that then totally rock it out.


    Wow, you are SO lucky, Red Dirt Girl. What a great story. It pays to wait around, I guess. Maybe you and Stan ought to get together at the next show – that way he can stick around for hugs and be a groupy, while not bothering his date a bit. LOL 🙂

    Did you see Emmylou at the Pageant in 2001? That was another one of my favorite shows there, right after “Red Dirt Girl” came out.[/quote]

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    You will have a story like that! I had never seen her in concert before and totally didn’t expect that to happen. I owe it all to a guy who said “Her bus is that way, but you didn’t hear it from me”.

    I am ashamed to admit this but I hadn’t heard of Emmylou yet in 2001. Right after Stumble Into Grace my dad said “You should pick up her CD, you might like her”. That was it! Now I have 20+ and a pair of her old cowboy boots! I did catch her at the Sheldon a few years ago. I am dying for her to return to the Pageant. It would be lovely to be that close to Emmylou for a couple of hours. I wish she would tour with Lucinda and Patty Griffin, now there is a show I would love to see! Stan would HAVE to wait outside that tour bus!


    You girls may be a bit young, but I met Ray Davies of the Kinks once. Quite the proper English gentleman. I was in awe…here I was standing next to a Rock and Roll legend! ( Kinks songs you may have heard…Lola, You Really Got me, Come Dancing, Tired of Waiting, Picture Book, Dandy, Waterloo Sunset…far too many to mention)

    I’m embarrassed to say, but last year at the Pageant, when it was just Doug and Lu, she did “Where Is My Love,” and I screamed out…”Here I am Lucinda!” LOL I’m usually much more respectful of live performances, but Lu just brings out the beast in me.

    If Lucinda ever gave me a hug, she’d have to call the bouncers to pry me off of her! Haha!

    I love that here she is, 54 now(?) and she’s stayed with her craft all these years and stayed true to her music, and now, finally, she seems to be getting the acclaim and wealth she so richly deserves.

    She just needs a good man in her life. (sigh) Poor girl has had too much heartache.

    Either of you two sing and play guitar?

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    @Stan wrote:

    I’m embarrassed to say, but last year at the Pageant, when it was just Doug and Lu, she did “Where Is My Love,” and I screamed out…”Here I am Lucinda!” LOL I’m usually much more respectful of live performances, but Lu just brings out the beast in me.

    😆 That’s so funny! I was tempted to yell out “More Honey Bee!!”. I wouldn’t worry, I don’t usually dance (ever EVER) and I was dancing at that crowded concert. Lucinda casts quite a spell.

    As for singing, you REALLY don’t want to hear that!


    @Red Dirt Girl EH wrote:

    @Stan wrote:

    I’m embarrassed to say, but last year at the Pageant, when it was just Doug and Lu, she did “Where Is My Love,” and I screamed out…”Here I am Lucinda!” LOL I’m usually much more respectful of live performances, but Lu just brings out the beast in me.

    😆 That’s so funny! I was tempted to yell out “More Honey Bee!!”. I wouldn’t worry, I don’t usually dance (ever EVER) and I was dancing at that crowded concert. Lucinda casts quite a spell.

    As for singing, you REALLY don’t want to hear that!

    Awh…singing is just practice, just like any other instrument…few are natural born talents


    This is my first time to ever enter a forum. I was at that show in St. Louis. It was probably my 12th time seeing Lucinda. God I can’t get enough of her. She just keeps getting better and better. And Doug is pure magic. That was an incredible show. Lucinda is really opening up during her performances. Years ago it was almost painful watching her discomfort. But of course her music always made up for her lack of performance skills. She’s loving it now and so are her fans. I actually waited after the show and got Doug’s autograph. He signed my purse and I was completely in a trance. I wanted to wait for Lu to come out, but didn’t want to seem like a stalker. Her music has been the soundtrack of my life for many years and I just can’t thank her enough. [/code]


    it’s getting too crazy over there at the red rocks post, so I thought I’d change the subject and just tell red dirt girl how much I enjoyed her story of meeting lu and getting a hug. Lucky girl! I had my chance years ago, but i didn’t have the instinct to ask for a hug. This was about the time Car Wheels came out, and she was playing a small festival deep in southern new jersey (appel farm). The bus was delayed and it seemed like maybe she wouldn’t make the show. She showed up, though, seemed a little pissed and didn’t say much of anything to the crowd — just started right in. The show was great, though. It was the first time i’d heard “joy” (we all kept singing it on the drive home…) Anyway, leaving the show, the crowd was spilling out through a farm field, and I happened to look to the side and there was her bus…. and there was Lu, just standing there, looking around, all alone!! For a split second I thought, hmmm, maybe she wants to be alone (why isn’t anybody else hanging around?), but that silly thought didn’t last. So I walked up to say hi and… was totally at a loss for words! I should have asked for a hug. But I said something mundane like how happy i was to have discovered her music, and thanks, and shook her hand (sheesh!) She signed a wet, muddy program for me and was gracious and sweet as could be. If not a hug, I really should have asked if she wanted to get a beer…
    peace, L & R…

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    That’s really cool! It’s so interesting to see how different she looks up close, in concert. It was such a treat to hear Joy live. At least I think she did…my memory isn’t that great. All I remember is just totally losing myself in that amazing performance. It’s something I will never get over.

    And you will get that hug someday! I never thought that would happen in a hundred million years and it did.


    My memory is pretty foggy, too, and I’m trying to remember quite a few years back…. But you’re right, it’s interesting how seeing her in person is different. That was my first Lucinda show, and meeting her afterwards, I just remember thinking: She’s really little!! But her musical (and other) presence was pretty large in my mind, so that might explain that funny reaction.

    You’re also so right about the live performance being amazing (what a great band!) — and totally losing yourself in it. We couldn’t ask anything more than that (and an artist couldn’t ask much more of her fans!).

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