Spin Review

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  • #30486
    West Words

    This guy gave Blessed a 7 out of 10, but obviously has never listened to the album! And he needs to get his ears and perhaps his psyche checked for his peverse interpretation of lyrics. 👿

    How in the world can he say that songs such as Kiss Like Your Kiss, Born To Be Loved, Copenhagan, Soldier’s Song, Seeing Black, etc., are ‘good-riddance-to-wishy-washy-boyfriends’ and that Lu ‘isn’t inclined to count blessings here’?! Perhaps some of us who have heard the album can leave our comments at the site.

    Wonder if he’ll be at one of the NYC shows, so that he can be educated…


    Good luck findin’ your buttercup,” Lucinda Williams sings with a sigh to begin her tenth album, setting a good-riddance-to-wishy-washy-boyfriends tone that applies to many of these dozen songs. Title aside, Williams isn’t inclined to count blessings here — not with so many damn fools to suffer. Blessed feels more like a country-blues toast to the pissed-off side of interpersonal relations, set to coproducer Don Was’ sturdy barroom roots rock. And Williams calls ’em like she feels ’em, offering lines like “You already fucked me dry” in a voice to match. Three decades of happy-woman blues, and she still hasn’t found what she’s looking for.

    By David Menconi


    More often than not they don’t listen to the record– and it’s pretty obvious when they don’t as in this case as that isn’t the tone of this record at all. Not even remotely. But you know-whatever.


    Hey, you know what “they” say about opinions – you know, the line about how they are like a certain body part where “the sun don’t shine”? 😉


    West Words

    Or –
    “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, critique.” 😆


    you have to call it what it is: a review of the single buttercup.

    what a travesty. better a thoughtful 3-out-of-10 review of the album than this unprofessional passing-grade article.

    although i don’t think it’s humanly possible a thoughtful 3-out-of-10 review of any lucinda album.

    btw, i still don’t understand people seeing bitterness and pissed-offness in buttercup. and of course that is a bad boy song in which she finds what she’s looking for, if anything else. she rises above it.

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