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  • #32745

    Putting SonO back on top, until we get a permanent remembrance for him.

    Inside Job

    Still working on this – I have talked to the web guy, and i will talk to him again.


    Thanks, IJ.
    I was going to let the holidays pass before banging the drum louder for this.
    Best wishes 🙂


    Thanks again, Lefty! Happy Holidays.


    I’m so glad that SonO will be remembered. Happy Holidays, all


    Any update, Inside Job, on “SonO, in memoriam”?


    @Lefty wrote:

    Any update, Inside Job, on “SonO, in memoriam”?

    Ever hopeful


    This has been added…see above.


    Thank you.


    Thanks for putting the idea out there, Lefty, and sticking to it, and thanks to the folks who made it happen. SonO seemed like a one-of-a-kind guy. The forum isn’t quite the same without him. I have a feeling that if Lucinda had ever met him, she’d have liked him. :)_


    I have tried to sit down and write this many times but I lack the ability to condense all I would like to say into a few simple sentences. There are so many stories and memories I would like to share with you all that would allow me to convey what a great and unique person my father was. Though we are all special in our own way, my father is unlike any I have ever met and probably ever will. This is what pains me so when I think that my daughter will never know the kind of person her grandfather truly was. The lessons he taught me and the experiences he shared (not to mention the music) will be PROUDLY passed onto her. I don’t claim that my father was perfect, hell, who is? I remember my wife talking to Sonny in the hospital shortly before he passed. He told her that he had always tried to convey to me to never follow in his footsteps. In one sense I understand what he was saying, however, I owe who I am today to the person that he was and to the person he taught me to be or not to be I suppose. There are so many avenues I could take with this that I feel compelled to say that a song or two could be written, maybe even have been written about his life. Perhaps that’s why he connected so much with Lucinda’s music. I can’t begin to express to you all what an honor it is for my dad to be recognized on Lucinda’s website as he has. Special thanks are given to the administrator for making it happen and to the members, especially Lefty, for making it all possible. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. I leave you with this, be real, tell it like it is, and always be considerate of those around you. What can I say, that’s Sonny. Oh yeah, don’t forget Mother Earth, she’ll be here for future generations long after we’re gone.

    dr winston oboogie

    Let me start by saying I can understand how difficult it is for you to feel that you are unable to convey or say all the things that you mean to tell us in your post, but at the same time recognise how important it is to you and us that you did indeed make that post.

    I was only aware of Sono quite late, and from what I gather he was around in previous boards before he came to my attention on this board, we never talked, even on line, but at the same time, through our common love of Lucinda`s music and philosophy you just felt that you had a kindred spirit here with you. I took great delight in following the posts and from these you felt that you got to “know” the person, and they certainly gave the impression that this was a person you would be proud to “know”.

    I can very much relate to the advice he tried to pass down, I have two teenage sons and it is so difficult for both parent and child to keep on that same wavelength so that you can take them with you rather than turn them against everything, and for sure one of the biggest realities in life is finding out that your father is not perfect.

    Like Lucinda with her lyrics and music, Sono also found a way to make a similar connection with other like minded people and may that knowledge give you and your family strength in the coming years.

    R.I.P. Sono


    May God bless you and your family, TravO.
    If I do say so myself, you’re welcome here anytime to share whatever you care to share about your Dad with the rest of us.


    To Inside Job and whoever else played a role in the overhaul of Lu’s site:

    Could we, please, “rededicate” this new & improved forum to the memory of SonO?

    Thank you.


    Glad we got SonO’s good name back on the forum main page. Thank you to the usual suspects.

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