Some misc. upcoming things

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  • #37277

    Thanks, Inside Job.

    It looks like there will be 8 tracks available not on the CD including the UK single b-side. Here is a summary. If anyone sees anything inaccurate, please correct it.

    UK single b-side:
    I Live My Life

    From Amazon (a link at
    Bone of Contention

    Real Love demo

    Best Buy (5 demos)
    Jailhouse Tears 2
    Circles & X’s
    If Wishes Were Horses

    Inside Job

    Yes -that is accurate
    I also wanted to add that the word “demo” in this case is a bit of a misnomer because at one point these were finished or nearly finished recordings that were at one considered for release. The songs have now been tweaked slightly by Eric Liljestrand and mastered by Gavin Lurssen, who has done the last two Lu records. It may be just splitting hairs, but I think the word demo has a lesser connotation. Anyway I think early versions is a more accurate description of the six songs from the Radio Recorder Sessions.


    Is Elvis Costello on the “demo” version of Jailhouse Tears?


    @ParkerCA wrote:

    Is Elvis Costello on the “demo” version of Jailhouse Tears?

    Yeah, I’m intrigued by the “2” at the end of “Jailhouse Tears 2”. This suggests something more than just an alternate mix or take on the song. It almost sounds like additional verses or something. Can ya shed any light on this track in particular please, IJ?

    And, I now have “Little Honey” on pre-sale order at both Amazon and at Best Buy. 😳 Yeah, I know, I am a hopeless addict, but I just have to have those extra tracks. And, at only $9.99 at each site, plus free shipping (I’m an “Amazon Prime” member), it wasn’t too hard to rationalize… 😉



    I just remembered that “Bone of Contention” will also be on the 4 song EP with 3 covers. Is this the same version as the Amazon bonus? I thought I read that the version on the EP is live.

    Where will the EP be available? Will it be on iTunes or Amazon? Anywhere else?



    David the “Bone of Contention” on the “Lu in 08” EP is in fact a live version. I think it was recorded this summer (2008) in Milwaukee. Insider Guy mentioned that in a different thread.


    Thanks, Rainydayman. I knew I read that somewhere.


    Can you preorder from itunes? I haven’t found it if you can.
    Pre-ordered from best buy. These bestbuy downloads will be mp3’s and not wmv files right?

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