Show in Boston 10/08

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Show in Boston 10/08

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  • #37512

    yeah, well, you don’t beat the guy up over it…lame.


    yeah, well, you don’t beat the guy up over it…lame.

    Yes you do, if security won’t deal with it. I only wish I was closer so I could’ve joined the fray.


    Today’s Globe has the story:


    LOL! I just read this… I was the one who left the Jim Beam bottle in the sink! can’t believe that made the paper! (cough)…still uncool to beat that guy up though, get ahold of yourself tough guy.


    @johnnya wrote:

    hello folks yes that was me pounding on that guy

    @johnnya wrote:

    hoping to drive to the Nashville show if any ones interested

    So if anyone here’s going to Nashville, leave your camera at home and stay in your &*@%$£ seat! 🙄


    Yes, my European friend Philthy, I’m going to Nashville, but I think I’ll proceed anonymously. Anyone notice the “peace and love” sign-off from the ejected Forum poster/brawler? Well, it does sound like the other guy got much of what he deserved, and I can see myself sorely tempted to haul off in such a situation. Still. . . So “Can’t Let Go” made the Boston setlist? Still trying to cobble it together myself.


    @tonyg2756 wrote:

    Today’s Globe has the story:

    She “debuted” “Jailhouse Tears”?!? A-hem. Lu’s been playing that one for a couple of years now… ❓



    OK- we saw the whole great show from the front of the balcony. Lucinda was remarkable and I just fell in love with her. The band was tight. The energy in the Orpheum theater was rare! BUT, these postings don’t tell the whole story of the night’s distractions!

    This story cannot be complete without mention of the very large dancing girl who danced front center stage with her arms up in the air through most of the show! I believe she was previously referred to as the friend of the attacker-“…him and his buddy were talking about my friend i brought in a sleazy way so i moved back a few rows and let my sister sit in my seat then he give her shit…”

    From the balcony it appeared that there was a constant flow of seat changing and trading down in the front row-the “sister” referred to above was at least the 3rd person to take that seat, or, I should say join in the intrusive dance with the “friend.” The men who were assaulted from my bird’s eye view, were rightfully fed up with the flow of traffic across the front row along with the space-invading dancing on top of them!

    From the front of the balcony, all of this extreme inappropriate behavior was distracting, yet comical. We couldn’t help giggling at the site of the rude dancing girls, oblivious to the effect they were having on others, and in our view, on Lucinda Williams. Then all the comedy of it ended when the violence broke out, and only the distraction of the one oblivious girl remained as she danced, front center with two empty seats next to her.

    It was the greatest show I’ve seen in years! Lucinda was amazing. Congratulations to everyone involved on a special night!


    For the record I just wanted to reply to the comments from the Boston show in regards to Lucinda being strung out, and now being clean. It is troubling when those statements are made. It has come up here before and I have said it before– Lucinda has never ever used hard drugs -not now not ever. She has lost several friends to hard drugs and is terrified of them. Period.

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