Show in Boston 10/08

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Show in Boston 10/08

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  • #29462

    I’m so excited!!! 😀


    What song did she sing with Ray LaMontagne?


    Fruits of My Labor :mrgreen:


    just wanted to add… damn, Lucinda looked sexy as hell in those jeans!


    damn, Lucinda looked sexy as hell in those jeans!

    WOOF WOOF !! And never mind the clingy top !
    besides that it was one of the best shows I’ve seen…the acoustics there are spot on.


    Did I miss a setlist or some context for this stream of Boston one-liners? I mean, I’m glad folks are excited (about music AND fashion) and that Maine’s own Ray LaMontagne joined Lu on “Fruits” (he’s recorded it, as has Ruthie Foster), but how did things go, all in all? Tim???????


    Terrific show at the Orpheum last night (10/8). Couple ‘interesting’ moments of note. As noted here, Lucinda called out Ray LaMontagne for the encore (along with someone on pedal steel – tasty). I was thinking this morning that it was West, but yes, Fruits of My Labor is right. He does have an interesting voice (he is playing Boston’s Opera House 10/9-10). She called him the best singer since Otis Redding (or words to that effect) and she seemed really amazed by the whole thing. It was a cool moment.
    The other was toward the end of the regular set, during Joy as the band was rocking out, all of a sudden a fight broke out right down in front. Lucinda sort of watched it warily, security was quickly on the 2 yahoos (one guy was really pounding the other guy for a few seconds). Security got things under control, and Lucinda finally made her way back up to mic and sang directly (it seemed) at the brawlers, “I don’t want you any more, you stole my joy…” to large cheers from the crowd.
    What else – yes, she looked great – all in black including knee high black boots, tight jeans. She seemed to be having fun last night. They opened with Real Love and played a solid 2 hours (9-11p). Really good show – and her band Buick 6 continues to impress.


    Thanks for the report, DE.

    Tim: Was that you opening up a can of whupass on somebody last night? 😉


    @Lefty wrote:

    Tim: Was that you opening up a can of whupass on somebody last night? 😉

    Or instead, maybe it was two fans fighting over whether or not Lu should play more “old stuff” this tour… 😉 😆



    Maybe an Anaheim–er–LA Angels’ fan still in town and distraught over the recent playoff result? Man, I haven’t heard of such brawls at the feet of Lucinda since that ugly behind-the-lily-pad confrontation at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens last July: but let’s not start that webstream flowing again. Surely Tim preserved a noble silence through the whole thing, wherever in the house he was. And the “play the old stuff” crowd was boycotting the joint, anyway, no? Still, I’m curious. The setlist is getting there. . . .


    Hey tntracy,
    “maybe it was two fans fighting over wether or not Lu should play more “old stuff” this tour.” THAT is funny. I got my Side of the Road in Albany. Life in LuLand is good.


    hello folks yes that was me pounding on that guy he did desire it let me explain first i had front row i love Lucinda so i was very excited well the first thing the guy says to me is i hope Lucinda is strung out and i say shes been clean for a long time he says that sucks so i know he was a douchebag from the start then him and his buddy were talking about my friend i brought in a sleazy way so i moved back a few rows and let my sister sit in my seat then he give her shit i kind of snapped and hit him and hit him again the only thing i regret is i missed fruits of my labor my favorite song so I’m sorry if i interrupted anyone’s show i hoping to drive to the Nashville show if any ones interested peace and love john


    Punctuation is your friend…




    I too was at the show with my wife and friend. We were in the second row off to that guys left. We have been following Lucinda for many, many years and this was the first time we were ever able to get that close to our dearest musician. That guy was absolutely obnoxious. He stood up at least ten to fifteen times only feet away from Lou and took picture off his phone. Not discretely at all. I’m amazed she tollerated it. Probably because she was having a great night!
    Security never addressed the guy even though he was clearly a disruption. Sorry it had to go that far but it was inevitable.


    I was about 5 rows back in the center. I agree; that guy standing up with his phone, sticking it in Lucinda’s face to get his precious pictures should have been thrown out. Why security didn’t escort his a– out is a mystery. What an obnoxious human.

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