September 16 Annapolis MD

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows September 16 Annapolis MD

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    The tour resumes in Annapolis and Mr. Stoger will be in residence to provide the scoop. Stay tuned.


    WooHoo! I saw Lu perform ‘Can’t Let Go’ the other night on the Americana Awards and she sounded awesome!
    Hopefully the rest of the tour is great!

    We are still waiting to hear back from the venue about the CT covid incident. I am not sure if we will be able to make the new date, which has yet to be announced.


    Thanks for the reminder! I just watched it and it was a good performance!


    The gang walk on at 9:12, in a show listed and advertised as “Lucinda Williams and her Band” for 8:00. Some opener was added, and he played till about 8:40.

    1 Steal Your Love
    2 Protection
    3 Right in Time
    4 Car Wheels [Lu speaks much of Miller after, including the “special moment” between father and daughter when he first heard this song]
    5 Pineola [Lu shyly wonders if this one was “too Southern” for the audience, but ends up saying the crowd seemed to appreciate it]
    6 People Talkin’
    7 Big Black Train [Lu frets after that maybe her songs are too much downers]
    8 Lake Charles [more spoken in the lore of Clyde Woodward, who took Lu to her first Clifton Chenier show in Houston]
    9 Blue
    10 Are You Down
    11 Pray the Devil… [Lu frets further and calls herself “neurotic”]
    12 Stolen Moments
    13 Essence [Lu tells the audience after to check both “rock” and “country” bins in record stores for her stuff]
    14 Righteously
    15 Honeybee
    16 Joy
    17 You Can’t Rule Me
    18 Rockin’ in the Free World {Lu has to go to the breath spray and the water bottle early in song and never fully recovers: Doug, Stu, and David take the choral vocals, and Doug even points his mike to audience to get us singing]
    It’s walk-off time time, but Lu comes back to mike and apologizes for the “fucking cough,” promising to return soon.

    Sean and Tony, wish you were here…


    Great report! I wish I was there. Or anywhere. The opener was Keith Gattis and I was told he was a killer guitarist.


    Yes, Lu herself seemed to be aware of Mr. Gattis’ reputation, but I “boycotted” his set because of its unbilled nature. This put Lu on at 9:12 and off at 11:01.

    I actually had time to do some “touristy” things: waterfront (with a sculptural tribute to my fellow west Tennesseean Alex Haley, whose ancestor Kinte was brought into slavery in Annapolis, he of the series Roots fame. Also St. Johns College and the State capitol.

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