Senator Mellencamp

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    First, to Ray, who sent me a message via my FB page…Yes, that is me you so dubiously found! However, I wanted to give you a shout out and didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you. I accepted you as a friend, but it looks to me you have disappeared into the cyber abyss.

    Second, this whole Mellencamp should run for Senator thing started with a blogger on “The Nation” suggesting JM run for the seat currently occupied by Evan Bayh, who recently announced he is retiring come this election cycle. I am amazed at how viral, and now mainstream, her campaign has gone! Personally, as a longtime fan (you always think you “know” what the artist is thinking lol!) and the fact that JM”s publicist keeps stating he has “no comment,” it’s one woman’s wishful thinking (with apparently good PR connections) that he make a run for the seat, and it’s a run he probalby wouldn’t consider. I keep telling everyone, yes, JM is very opionated when it comes to politics, but it’s just not his cup of tea to run for office. He has made many comments over the past about becoming a politician, all very comical and none leading to any creedence he has any desire. He has, however, commented in the past his wife Elaine would like to get more involved…

    In the interim, I’m sitting back, watching, half laughing, thinking “nah, won’t happen” with my email inbox filling up with Mellencamp alert senate alert stories, as the campaign continues on.

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