Sax Night Two

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Sax Night Two

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  • #31536

    1 Car Wheels…
    2 Can’t Let Go
    3 Well Well Well [with Butch decked out in the chest percussion device known, I believe, as the frottoir]
    4 Drunken Angel
    5 East Side of Town
    6 2 Kool…
    7 Lake Charles [duo]
    8 Overtime
    9 Cold Day in Hell [this midtempo gem has the word “heaven” in there a couple of times too, lest you think. . .]
    10 Right in Time
    11 Those Three Days
    12 Everything But the Truth
    13 Hard time Killing Floor Blues
    14 Changed the Locks
    15 Essence
    16 Atonement
    17 Joy
    18 Honeybee
    19 Angel
    20 Magnolia
    21 Rockin’ in the Free World

    Wow. During both “East Side of Town” and “Those 3 Days,” I moved forward from the wings to grab the rail, and you could have knocked me over with the proverbial feather both times. Knock-kneed. A potentially snivelling heap, with the slightest outside influence. This show was special. And yes, plenty of females up front and center, once more.

    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you yet again Stoger…

    I am so envious of you guys.


    You’re on a roll, Professor! 8)


    I agree with stoger as to the emotional impact of last night. No matter how many shows I see, I can still be reduced to emotional wreckage by those LYRICS and delivery. KBB melted our faces off, per usual. Onward to Charleston and some lowcountry eatin’. Vivian


    Stoger rules! Thanks for the great reports by everyone. :mrgreen:


    From the encore—-“Angel”


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