Sage Gateshead Setlist

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    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    is it my impression or in concerts lucinda doesn’t play “are you alright?” often?

    i’ve also never seen “mama you sweet” in a setlist.

    She did ‘Mama You Sweet’ at Sheffield in November 2007 when I saw her at The Plug.


    If I can join all these new posters and add a couple of comments re the Sage. First of all the show was exactly what I was expecting and thought Lu sounded and looked great. However, people beside me were only vaguely acquainted with her work and one gent had never even heard of her! I suspect there may have been quite a number in those categories and a lot of the publicity material did call her a “country star”.
    She did admit afterwards that they thought when it was billed as Summertyne Festival that it would be an outdoor show with copious amounts of alcohol being consumed and maybe the set was wrong for the venue. I believe all the UK shows are seated and although I really like the Sage as a venue it is not for this type of show.
    Having said that, I don’t think I have ever heard (or rather not heard) a quieter audience anywhere, EVER. The applause was plentiful and loud but otherwise it was almost totally silent. (I don’t know if the couple I saw in the afternoon playing cards during Diana Jones set made it along!)
    I’m going to the Perth show this week-end; hopefully the audience will be up for it. FWIW I also saw the Flatlanders the following night at the Sage and the crowd WERE on their feet at the end.


    Thanks to all the first-time posters who took the time to register here & post up their thoughts about this show. Several well thought out & articulate responses have been posted.

    Not to make any excuses for Lu’s reaction (although several here would accuse me of just that!), it becomes readily apparent from reading these posts that there was, for whatever reason, a rather large mismatch between performer / setlist and audience for this show. This is not to place blame on the audience per se – there are many, many acts that are conducive to a reserved, stay-in-their-seats type of audience. But, Lu is definitely not one of them, IMHO.

    Having been Lu over 20 times the last 5 years, I have discovered that Lu is extremely “tuned in” to her audience and how they react (or don’t). She literally feeds off of the energy the audience emits. So, I can understand why she felt the way she apparently did. I have been to shows where the audience remained seated w/ only polite (albeit enthusiastic) applause between songs and, at the other end of the continuum, I have been at shows where the crowd was on their feet for the entire show, pumping their collective fists in the air to the beat & “hootin’ & hollerin'” (to use a Southern U.S. colloquialism) like mad between songs. And, even if the setlists were virtually identical between those two types of shows, they were totally different in energy and, for me, enjoyment.

    And, knowing Lu like I do, I think I can surmise that, although it may not have come off this way to many in the audience, Lu’s reaction was more one of regret that there was such a mismatch between the set and the type of audience rather than one of contempt for said audience. I believe stoger hit the proverbial nail on the head in the first post in this thread regarding the “shouldn’t be doing this” remark. Believe me, Lu (& Tom) care deeply about the fans and the shows they stage.

    Any way, that’s my read on the events, albeit not from actually being there. I am glad many (most?) folks who were there and who are familiar with Lu’s body of work and consider themselves fans enjoyed the show despite the audience / venue & setlist mismatch.



    I really enjoy the fact that some on this board cannot face the idea that LWs sometimes has bad nights regardless of superstitious thinking such as “feeding off the energy the crowd emits” (although every artist talks of the requirement regarding the currency that flows from the crowd–not just so superstiously) or the superemposed idea regarding a presumed “mismatch between venue and setlist.” Simply sounds like a bad night. For those of you who have not been paying attention, part of LWs onstage/recording studio reputation includes the occassional rant and fit. However, I wish I could say I appreciate your rosy, perfumed, and long-winded “not to make any excuses” for the latest in “bad nights” but I can’t say I do. That aside and in light of seeing LWs over the past 25-years, I enjoy the whole artist including the reflections of frustration that occur from time-to-time. Thankfully, I accept artists as they stand and enjoy the shows for what they are. Just the same, nice fluffy piece of writing TNT.


    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    Just the same, nice fluffy piece of writing TNT.

    Fuck you, DiM…

    (Notice lack of smilie, asshole).


    P.S. For all of the rest of you who, like me, are sick & tired of DiM’s continual trolling, gross pretentiousness and desire to insert conflict where there was none before, I have discovered a very handy feature on this board. If you click on any user’s name by one of their posts, you can add that user to your personal “foe” list. After doing so, all posts by this user will be hidden from view when you are logged in. Just like they never existed. Nice, huh?

    Also, I apologize for my language above, but if you have been hanging around here long enough, you know it was something that just had to be said. I could hold it back no longer.


    @tntracy wrote:

    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    Just the same, nice fluffy piece of writing TNT.

    Fuck you, DiM…

    (Notice lack of smilie, asshole).


    😯 😆 😆 😆 May I PMSL!!!! I’m not an old timer or ‘LW’ follower or anything else, so have a right to have a good laugh!!! But I’m not an outsider to excellent music – try shoving Faithless in yer ole pipes and try smoking it 😆 😆 😆 . LW and Buick 6 (I corrected it 💡 ) were excellent – perfect! As she said, it’s music and as newcomer and not one to be easily swayed – except in a high wind – it was excellent. The silences in between weren’t!

    And just as an odd one, South Tyneside (that’s The Sage location) is in the UK’s Swine Flu Top Ten so probably why so many new people were there :mrgreen: .

    But dare I suggest the lack of attention to the music on a couple of sets may be attributed to was, when I and possibly a few others, really, really, really thought L’s boob was about to pop out :shock:. I was with a friend I didn’t know very well, but thank goodness we had laugh about it afterwards, even if he did think they were false 🙄 .


    I just went back and checked the tickets – they said ‘Buick 6’ 👿 . Bewick is a local place to here so I am really confused. If Lucinda et Co. come back to the north east I would love to see them again, I thought it was brill and a total surprise and luck to be given the tickets 😛 . I know my friends were absolutely gutted to miss her and £50 isn’t exactly nothing is it?

    Anyway, I wanna be someone’s Honey Bee – I love that song!



    I was thinking about going to the Sage, but the decided to go to Manchester instead. Maybe it was a good idea on reading some of the posts about the gig. However, the venue at Manchester is also seating and I’m too happy about sitting down all night – hopefully everyone will stand and get into the night.

    As for the setlist. I’ll be happy if Lu plays a good mix of acoustic and rockier numbers (especially Side of the Road – please!


    @tntracy wrote:

    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    Just the same, nice fluffy piece of writing TNT.

    Fuck you, DiM…

    (Notice lack of smilie, asshole).


    P.S. For all of the rest of you who, like me, are sick & tired of DiM’s continual trolling, gross pretentiousness and desire to insert conflict where there was none before, I have discovered a very handy feature on this board. If you click on any user’s name by one of their posts, you can add that user to your personal “foe” list. After doing so, all posts by this user will be hidden from view when you are logged in. Just like they never existed. Nice, huh?

    Also, I apologize for my language above, but if you have been hanging around here long enough, you know it was something that just had to be said. I could hold it back no longer.

    Wow–nice use of language and anger, there TnT. Yes, an apology might be in order not so much for the use of language rather it might be appropriate due to the ongoing efforts to con-“trol” and monitor the flow and flavor of the message board. Also and as a side note, didn’t Cheney and Bush try to con-“trol” the flow of information via simply deploying your idea of a “personal foe list” vis-a-vis trying to eliminate differing and valid points of view? Boy howdy, I love how some can make lemonade out of lemons or crap stew out of crap. As I have reflected before, not every show is awesome regardless of the idea that “it’s a mismatch between venue, setlist, and audience.” That’s simply crap but does make a nice crap stew when cooked up properly… Oh, and yes, glad you couldn’t hold it any longer–it’s healthy to let go of things such as this. We all have our challenges especially in regards to such important life matters like fan message boards!


    I was on vacation and not plugged in to the interent when this thread was first happening. We have some great posts by those in attendance at the show, a perfectly written summary and opinion piece by Tom Tracy, followed by the same tired and tiresome crap from our favorite troll, dripping with the usual doses of self-satisfaction and perceived superiority, topped with the obligatory whipped cream of self-pity and an attempt at martyrdom.

    Glad to see I haven’t missed much. 🙄


    tony, have you become the Thought Police! If so, I want my money back. If not, you can keep it. Should I send my posts to you first for approval or not? Do you want to edit them? Have fun tonight at the show!


    Tim, send em just in case. Looking forward to tonight.



    illuminate or eliminate? ❓


    Thanks, for the correction, illbeyou–it is eliminate, which you probably assumed. Take care, David.

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