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  • #30304

    West Words? Lafayette? “Born to be Loved?” Lyric book? Luke Lewis?


    Apologies for not being as punctial on friendly forum reporting from abroad as my contemporaries. This particular business center at my hotel has been busy.

    Lucinda’s remarks were prepared, short and to the point. I should have been taking better notes. As I recall, after being introduced by Jim Lauderdale as a friend and an artist the AMA’s have tried for a long time to lure to the conference, Lucinda spoke about the state of the music industry after a conversation the night before with another artist(?) or friend(s). She performed “Born To Be Loved” with the house band, her voice strong and amazing. I was trying to hang onto every word she sang, listening to the lyrics since it was a first time listen for me. I can’t tell you if the arrangement the house band played was similar to the recent shows/upcoming record, but what I did hear, I loved. Very rootsy.

    I was sitting in the balcony, and I think the lyrics stand was nearby, but from what I saw she did not use it, and if she did, it was very limited. She was warmly received after her performance. I even stood up and applauded, a lone soul in my area of seating.

    Sandy ran into Tom and Lu downstairs in the lobby, inbetween the end of the show and Robert Plant’s surprise performance with the Love Band. She came and retrieved me from the balcony area where I (Sandy and 7 other helpers) were handing out Mellencamp’s new CD, compliments of Rounder Records. A call for help went out on Mellencamp’s boards on Tuesday evening. It was a no brainer for me since I was already attending. Anyway, back to TO, I went to lobby area, briefly spoke with him. Lucinda was very engaged with several contemporaries, busy as a butterfly, not to be confused with buttercup. TO did relay that Lucinda was standing side stage during the show and Robert Plant introduced himself to LU! That had to be a cool moment, no?

    Anne McCue approached Tom, asked him if they were going to any showcases. She said her drummer was sitting in with Wanda Jackson. Sandy and I excused ourselves about this time.

    Tonight finds us with confirmed plans of attending showcases at Mercy Lounge catching JIm Lauderdale & Shelby Lynee. Plans to stop in at Hard Rock for Happy Hour as well.


    Thanks for the report, Lafayette, Glad you & West Words are having a good time. Wish I was there! 🙁



    Someone recorded “Born to be Loved”
    p.s. Thanks to Real Player SP downloads this video is now happily residing on my computer’s hard drive.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Sandy ran into Tom and Lu downstairs in the lobby, inbetween the end of the show and Robert Plant’s surprise performance with the Love Band. She came and retrieved me from the balcony area where I (Sandy and 7 other helpers) were handing out Mellencamp’s new CD, compliments of Rounder Records. A call for help went out on Mellencamp’s boards on Tuesday evening. It was a no brainer for me since I was already attending. Anyway, back to TO, I went to lobby area, briefly spoke with him. Lucinda was very engaged with several contemporaries, busy as a butterfly, not to be confused with buttercup. TO did relay that Lucinda was standing side stage during the show and Robert Plant introduced himself to LU! That had to be a cool moment, no?

    So Lafayette, how did you feel when Robert sang this Song ? 😆 😆

    West Words

    Lucinda at AMA rehearsal with Don Was –

    [attachment=0:usseiknc]Lucinda – AMA rehearsal w- Don Was 9-10.jpg[/attachment:usseiknc]


    Re: Ryman and the Americana Music Awards.
    This article from the Nashville Bridge on Sep. 10, 2010 shows exactly what kind of good stuff Lucinda is made of.
    Tells the story outside the Ryman of a man named Perry getting Lu’s autograph.
    Here is an excerpt.
    He politely asked for her autograph and shared some words with her. As he wandered west towards Tootsies, Lucinda was a little reflective and teary eyed. She said “Excuse me” as she tried to regain her composure. Lucinda lived in Nashville for nine years and I am sure some things still have not changed. I just said, “he kind of touched you didn’t he?” She responded, “He probably wasn’t even at the show, if I had known, somehow, you know I would have gotten him in somehow… his name was Perry”.
    She was very reflective for a moment. I said “You never know. There may be a song in that”. Her Manager said, “There can always be a song in something”. Lucinda noted “You know it’s one of those things where what if Jesus was somebody in the crowd that nobody paid any attention to”. We all seemed to think about it for a moment. Lucinda shared a little of her thoughts and some “Real Love“. What a big heart.

    Here is the full article.
    The above article quotes Tootsies.

    Lucinda used to hang out there with Richard”Hombre”Price and Greg Garing.
    Take a tour of Tootsies Orchid Lounge celebrating their 50th anniversary on Nov. 7, 2010


    Thanks for stopping by http://www.thenashvillebridge.com
    I decided to write about Lucinda talking to Perry because it was something that showed she really cares about people and really weighs things out. I definitely couldn’t have wrote about it the way she could, but, I ran into her at Mercy Lounge the next night and she was happily surprised that I did write about that. She had shared that moment with friends. If you guys haven’t heard her sing “Galveston” on Jimmy Webb’s new CD, you are really missing something. Stop by The Nashville Bridge anytime.


    @bradbama wrote:

    Thanks for stopping by http://www.thenashvillebridge.com
    I decided to write about Lucinda talking to Perry because it was something that showed she really cares about people and really weighs things out. I definitely couldn’t have wrote about it the way she could, but, I ran into her at Mercy Lounge the next night and she was happily surprised that I did write about that. She had shared that moment with friends. If you guys haven’t heard her sing “Galveston” on Jimmy Webb’s new CD, you are really missing something. Stop by The Nashville Bridge anytime.

    Oustanding articles in your web site, Brad.
    Welcome to our friendly forum.
    Let’s share your photo with Lu at the Ryman.[attachment=0:1qhad5nn]lucinda-williams-af-2010.jpg[/attachment:1qhad5nn]

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