Ryan Adams

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  • #34941

    Thanks for the nice variety of links you provided there. I will have to check out some of those artists further. That Sadies video was hilarious! Although, you can’t be serious about that Cracker song. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but I’m sure I can’t relate. Thanks for sending the links. That’s kind of exactly what I was hoping for when I joined the forum.

    So, are you really from Paris? What’s it like there? Right now it’s snowing like a mad man here.


    Well, Rainy day & tough wind 😡 today in Paris…
    Listening to home made compilation of early records of JOE ELY 🙂 today… & a home made compilation from HEART @ a friend shop where crowdy people passing by…

    sometimes, when i put some Lu’s tunes 8) (acting as a part time dj 😆 playing alls kind of music from pop/rock music to dance music(house from spanish djs…)) , a lot of people ask for the name of the artist?
    at my level & with my own media, i’m trying to get Lucinda williams most popular to the regular french crowd 8)


    “Heartbreaker”. I get it now. Jimmy Page is the best. I’m surprised it took me this long. Everything just keeps on making more sense.

    Eddie Van Halen ain’t that bad either. Actually, I have fond memories of seeing him in concert. Sammy Hagar was the singer. That piece was up for debate at the time. Who cares, we had a good time!

    Music Lover

    8) Try Ryan Adams and the Cardinals album Cold Roses. It is a double album. I think it is as good as anything he has done.


    I heard he’s coming out with a new one entitled “Shove It Up Your A$$”. I’m going to wait for that one to come out. I heard it is much better.


    I highly recommend his album “29” – it is so raw, moving and melodic. He paints pictures in your mind, and tells stories that are worth hearing each time you spin the album. “Cold Roses” is also FILLED with great songs.

    Pit Bull

    Check out Greg Gaston’s intelligent and insightful piece in Crawdaddy on these two great American songwriters! His comparisons are quite valid and most interesting!

    Shaggy Dogs: Paul Westerberg vs. Ryan Adams
    by Greg Gaston


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