Rudolstadt Germany, 04.07.2009

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Rudolstadt Germany, 04.07.2009

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    I saw Lucinda on saturday night at the folk and world music festival in Rudolstadt, Germany. It is the biggest of it´s kind in Germany. She played at the yard of the old castle. The show startet at midnight and ended at 1:50 a.m. The yard was packed, but it´s diffucult to say how many people been there. Maybe 4000?
    She started a little bit reserved but song by song she and buick 6 got better and better. She let the boys rock and they rocked the house. This band is really great.
    It seemed, Lu enjoyed the show. She was dancing the last songs when the band rocked. She said sound and location (spirits around) are wonderful and she appreciated, the audience was waiting for her til midnight.

    My setlist is not complete. I think she played two or three songs more, but I can´t remember, because I´m too tired. Sorry. Also the order can be different. But I did my best.

    1. I just wanted to see you so bad
    2. Big red sun blues
    3. Can´t letit go
    4. Fruitsof my labour
    5. Tears of joy
    6. Drunken angle
    7. I lost it
    8. Pineola
    9. Little rock star
    10. Real live bleeding fingers
    11. Out of touch
    12. Honey Bee
    13. Come on
    14. Joy
    Band intro
    15. Righgteously
    16. It´s along way to the top
    17. angel

    She only played one song, angel, but it was the perfect end of the show. She came on stage alone and the audience was totally calm when she sang. Amazing.
    So my wife and a friend of us saw a fantastic concert with Lu and her band. So people in Europe. Visit her concert, whereever she plays. Otherwise you will miss something.


    Welcome, pfistro, and thank you so much for the report!


    Thank’s Pfistro (Chiquito?)


    thanks a lot for the report..looking forward seeing her on Tuesday…


    My thanks as well, especially for the setlist. Looking forward to Manilla’s Hamburg report too, hopefully with setlist. Didn’t she play Fabrik in May 2003 also?


    “…I did my best.”

    You done good, Pfistro. Thanks for your efforts. 🙂


    In 2003 she played Berlin, Universal Hall…but in November 2007 she played the Fabrik Hamburg and Cologne which was broadcasted..

    will let you know about the upcoming show asap..very curious how things work, after Pettibone isnt with her anymore…as I liked his playing a lot


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