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  • #47702

    @alsoblessed wrote:

    Thanks for the feedback. I enjoyed reading other folks’ reports, so I thought I’d share as best as I could.

    Stoger adds some nice details. (But if you want to see the Old Confederacy personified, you need to drive down Monument Avenue…Lee…Jackson…they’re all there, literally larger than life.)

    I’m guessing punchdrunk’s comment refers to the fact that these songs aren’t done often? (Here’s where my “casual fan” status leaves me ill-informed.) Funny you should pick those out because I thought Steal Your Love was one of the two or three best songs of the night. Great delivery from Lu, followed with Blake and Butch feeding off each other bringing the song to a crescendo.

    Now what’s this about the show being filmed???

    I’m guessing that final Macon show, especially, will be awesome. Enjoy.

    Yes, the show was filmed by a production company whose name we might be hearing more of in the future (and we recognize from the album allusion now). As I understand it, this is the same outfit which filmed the Ann Arbor Ark solo show last spring, 5 people in Richmond with the ringleader being a Richmond resident. For what purpose, not sure yet, but we gave “consent” to be part of it by entering, according to a tiny sign over the box office. Maybe we’ll show up on celluloid.

    So is Arthur Ashe memorialized with the Richmond heroes too?

    Anybody see ex-Long Ryder, ex-Jayhawk Stephen McCarthy at the National show? He supposedly lives in Richmond and was hanging out after.


    Bruce Hornsby lives in the area too. My wife almost hit him with her car one day when she she was pulling in to get gas at a Wawa. Good show. She did a lot of slow numbers, would have liked a few more rockin’ numbers. I did enjoy Fruits Of My Labor.

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