Review from Iowa City & a pic from Ottawa

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Review from Iowa City & a pic from Ottawa

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    Here’s a review of Iowa City and a picture from Ottawa


    Thanks, Tim, for the photo and review link here (also for the Philly link: surprised Lu did “Jailhouse Tears” there last night, presumably with Doug as the nemesis?). There’s a history of Lu “meltdowns” in Iowa, though I haven’t witnessed them: anything but this time, as the reviewer pointed out. I don’t buy the Amy Winehouse analogy, that’s too limiting for a great song which resonates (and isn’t “Little Rock n Roller” more of a Marshall Chapman title than Lu’s actual title here?). I thought the review was especially good on Buick 6; I got the Led Zep but didn’t pick up on the Ventures cover, at the time. Please continue to keep us linked up and filled in.


    That was a good review, however I am pretty sure Buick 6 performed the Venture’s “Pipeline” and not “Wipeout” as the reviewer suggested.

    Also no mention of Lucinda playing 2 different James Trussart guitars. She even spoke about James Trussart and his wonderful guitar creations. I thought they sounded awesome and really added another layer to her beautiful tunes.

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