rate and rank them

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records rate and rank them

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    1. Lucinda Williams (10) – this record, with the help of Like A Rose being used in Transamerica, helped me discover Lucinda and is still my favorite. I just love the beauty and pain of this record. Like A Rose, Big Red Sun Blues, Crescent City, and Am I To Blue are my favorites. Only one weak track in my opinion, I Asked For Water.

    2. Car Wheels On A Gravel Road (10) – This is the ultimate road trip album. I love barreling down 95 to Lake Charles in the middle of the night. Lake Charles, Greenville, I Lost It and Right In Time are my favorites here.

    3. World Without Tears (9) – This is my kind of downer record. It’s so gut wrenching to listen to and I love that about it. Fruits Of My Labor, Ventura, People Talkin and the title track are my favorites.

    4. Sweet Old World (8) – Another downer. There are a few more weak tracks than normal on this one but it is still excellent. The title track, Something About What Happens, Little Angel, Little Brother and Which Will are the standouts for me.

    5. Happy Woman Blues (7) – I love this one for it’s folk roots sound. Maria, King Of Hearts and Lafayette are my favorites.

    6. West (6) – So far I’m having difficulty with this one. None of the songs are amazingly brilliant to me but there are a couple painfully bad songs on here. Are You Alright, Fancy Funeral and Words are the early standouts.

    7. Essence (6) – I can appreciate the subtle emotion and ambiance of the record but most of the time I just find it boring. I Envy The Wind, Blue, and Lonely Girls are my favorites.

    8. Ramblin (4) – Err, just not my cup of tea at all.

    Disco Stu

    1. Car Wheels On A Gravel Road. 10. This album got me into Lucinda, and it’s grown to be my second-favorite album of all time. I don’t think there’s anything that could make this record better; I have fond memories of coming back from class every day just after getting the album and playing Right in Time and Car Wheels over and over, just letting the music wash over me. I doubt Lucinda will ever release a better album.

    2. Lucinda Williams. 9. I love Lucinda’s earlier sound, and some of the songs on this album are absolutely amazing. Side of the Road and The Night’s Too Long are examples of why she’s such a great songwriter.

    3. Essence. 8.5. A beautifully produced album, this one hangs together perfectly and I never skip a track when I listen to it. It was a shock when I first heard it because I’d only heard her countryish albums up to that point, but I love it. The title track still gives me chills.

    4. Happy Woman Blues. 7. I love Lucinda’s early voice, and the overall country sound of the album sounds good to me. This isn’t a heavyweight like Car Wheels, but it’s still a great pleasure to hear.

    5. Sweet Old World. 6.5. I don’t care much for some of the songs (Six Blocks Away and Sidewalks of the City especially), but Something About What Happens When We Talk, Lines Around Your Eyes, and Hot Blood are very good.

    6. World Without Tears. 6. Too uneven for me – the high points of Ventura and Righteously are balanced by the low points of American Dream and Sweet Side. This seemed to me like the album where she strayed furthest from her roots.

    I don’t have Ramblin’ and I’m still on my first listen of West, but I doubt West will crack my top 3.


    “Sidewalks of the City” is my favorite song on Sweet Old World, along with the title-track. 😉


    Car Wheels on a Gravel Road – 10.5 First CD I bought, really looking
    for a song I heard in 99 on college radio (I was 34 and NOT in college)…
    still don’t know what song it was, because I only heard it once, but this CD introduced me…
    I have bought every CD I could find…and forgot about the song I was
    looking for…I was just ‘hooked’.

    World without Tears – 9.5 Next one I bought…really surprised me…
    I actually came back to this a few months later…I really liked the strongness of it..
    as far as the woman perspective…very powerful, as
    well as sarcastic, sadistic, don’t f^ck with me kind of music..loved it,
    but skipped through some, initially. Every time I listen to it, I do
    appreciate it more, and I love that it is so far from her roots. JMHO…

    Essence and Sweet Old World- Couldn’t really get into it first listen,
    although ‘Something Happens when we Talk’ is an amazing song,
    and why I bought Sweet Old World…need to break these out for a better listen….again.


    This is difficult, but I first got into Lucinda when she opened up for Neil Young in his Greendale tour. I thought…”Where has this woman been all my life?”

    First cd…”Car Wheels” What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Great album…probably make my all time top 10 list…and that’s saying something.

    “Esscence,” something about this album, the simplicity and genuine emotion, just drives the nail home in my heart.

    “World W/O Tears” No complaints about this album, but I have skipped “Everything’s Wrong,” on occassion.

    “Live at the Fillmore” I’m a part time professional guitarist of over 40 years. Hearing Doug and his unique brand of chops makes this cd a great listen…just the different arrangements…etc.

    “Sweet Old World” I just recently picked this up…great album with some classic tunes. The title track…I could swear I’ve heard this covered before…maybe one of the “Trio” girls…Dolly, Linda or Emmylou? Anyone know?

    “West” Like many of you, this one is still in heavy rotation, and it strikes me as one of those albums that grows on you over time. But isn’t that true of most of your favorite records?

    “Lucinda Williams” great tunes…another favorite of mine that would be higher in the standings except for my recent additions of West and Sweet Old World.

    “Happy Woman Blues” More of a country/folk type album, and you can really hear Lu’s great song writing emerge.

    “Rambling” It’s not that I don’t like this album, but it’s last on my list only because Lucinda’s voice doesn’t yet have that mature, sexy, deep emotion that drives me wild…LOL.



    Emmylou did a cover of ‘Sweet Old World’ on “Wrecking Ball”, with Neil Young lending, if I recall, harmonica and harmony vocals, and Lucinda did acoustic on the song, as well.


    @rachel8375 wrote:


    Emmylou did a cover of ‘Sweet Old World’ on “Wrecking Ball”, with Neil Young lending, if I recall, harmonica and harmony vocals, and Lucinda did acoustic on the song, as well.

    Thanks so much Rachel! I’ve been going through my cd’s trying to find it, and I happen to have Wrecking Ball…big Emmylou fan, here.

    I was always a big Byrds fan, so when the Burrito Bros. formed, and then Gram Parsons joined the group, I discovered Emmylou, long before Gram was popular with the Uncle Tupelo crowd.

    I’m long time friends with Jeff Tweedy and Jay Farrar….played out with both of them back in the early Belleville days.

    Again…much thanks for the Emmylou clue…and a Happy Easter to you!

    Peace, love and revolution,



    And a Happy Easter right back to you and yours.


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