Random Thoughts About Four Nights at the Troubadour

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Random Thoughts About Four Nights at the Troubadour

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    Every so often in one’s life things come together and dreams come true, and reality is better than anything I could have imagined.I arrived to night one at the Troubadour after a 15 hour flight, no ticket in hand , but a note from tonyg to meet up in line. I won’t go into detail , but not knowing tonyg , we both gave general descriptions about what we looked like which seemed oddly similar , and proceeded to walk right past each other. Luckily with a wave and a grin and an extra ticket together we were in. I have much to thank tony for, lots of introductions to others from this forum , but his BEST advice was to point out a sweet spot on the side of the stage of David Sutton and his bass. This just has to be said, I could have been totally entertained just by observing his body language, the man know hows to hold a bass as if it is an appendage and to rock out with it. And did I mention facial expressions!
    Random Thoughts , How the f-ck do you stand within eyesight of the set list and not look at it. I tried and I tried and finally broke down each night except Night 4 . I wanted to be surprised each night .
    It is kinda hard to stand five hours a night , four nights in a row. Line up a little after 7 p.m. outside , come in the club around 8p.m. The outrageously good set by BUICK Six, the short wait for Lucinda and then the Main Event. SO tired at the end of each night….
    So Night One and Two on the side of the stage with David and his mighty bass, Night Three and Four opposite Lucinda , elbows on the stage front and center.
    It did not feel too crowded close to the stage , people for the most part were pretty respectful except on Night Four when a young woman got to about 3 inches from my ears and proceeded to sing out loud the words to every song. I sang to myself each night but silently, I came to hear Lucinda , I can hear myself anytime…
    On night two when Lucinda was having some issues , I felt a general outpouring of love from the crowd and then she was “ON” again and red hot! Was really nice to feel this communal vote of confidence.
    Was I the only one having a religious experience? There is no other way to describe what this music was doing for me each night. I live in what objectively is referred to as The Holy City of Jerusalem and here I was at the Troubadour floating in a heavenly rush that confirmed for me that music is right next to Godliness.And then out of nowhere on Night Three while accompanied by my bride of thirty years, Lucinda looked over her lyric book and said to me ” You were here last night…(pause….) and the night before! Aha…” To which my wife responded ” Yeah , he’ll be here tomorrow night too” ! On night four after her wrap about changing up the setlist cause some people do come all four nights, I got another call out ” LIKE YOU”.Finger pointed at me from the stage. The context of my surprise is that I tried as much as possible to not stare or doing anything creepy while so close to the stage, but when you weigh 125 kilos and you can’t stop yourself from dancing , you just gotta groove!
    So these are my collected thoughts.A lot of stars had to align for me to make it to these shows. To be dancing with my wife . Her words of wisdom after she came the second two nights” Gee do you think we could see Van Morrison together? “If she will have me I look forward to the next thirty years of marriage.Again a huge thank you to tonyg for his help on night one , his introductions and his general encouragement. I hope to see you all again at another show and mostly THANK YOU LUCINDA FOR CREATING THE BEST MUSIC AND POETRY, my life is richer from what you do, you are most definitely a rock and roll singer even when you tenderly serenade us with your ghosts on highway 20 ,Jonathan in Jerusalem


    Amen, Jerusalem! Great post! So happy for your righteous experience, and total respect for your travels.


    Great post! You get major props for coming so far, going to all 4 nights, and getting the word from Lu! You scored!
    Great to meet you and see you down the road! 8)


    I thoroughly enjoyed your post, J!

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