Ra-cha-cha, Last Night Of Tour Report?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Ra-cha-cha, Last Night Of Tour Report?

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    Purely Subjective Report!
    Rochester was one of the best all around Lucinda shows I’ve seen in quite some time. I could do without the bar chatter, and the ballroom was not built for sound, but massive kudos to the guy at the board. Lucinda’s spot on vocals during Happy Woman Blues told me that we were in for a special night. Speaking of happy, Lucinda and Buick6 were exchanging smiles,hugs, and kisses all night. Quite the contrast from Burlington, which was a good show, especially the acoustic portion of Side Of The Road>When We Talk>Jackson, and a stellar version of Angel during the encore.
    I honestly thought that I would find myself missing Doug’s guitar work, but I have to “give it up” to Eric and Chet, there were very few holes in the music. Actually, I thought the whole band was fabulous all night. There is no doubt, Eric is feeling more at home in the songs. Blistering work during Bleeding Fingers, and all the “rock” songs for that matter. Chet really shined during Come On(youtube…Check it out). I have grown a bit tired of that song, but they rocked the house with it. Highlights are too many to mention, and it was great to see Lu bouncing around(literally), and so happy! There was a point during Honey Bee that captured the entire night. She kept looking to her right, and smiling from ear to ear… I assume Tom was there? Thank you, Lucinda and Buick6 for such a great show in Rochester. Have a wonderful time in Australia.

    ps… Thank you for that beautiful version of Overtime.


    Really enjoyed the show. Just two or 3 miscellaneous comments for a little bit of fun since Stoger, Lefty,fuji81 et al have more than covered the highlights.

    1. Pre-concert, I went to the Abilene bar directly across the street from where Lu’s “Metal Firecracker” was parked and met a lot of nice folks having a brew before the concert. Talked with the bar owner who was attending the concert and he even played a couple of Lucinda’s songs over the sound system.

    2. Lefty’s true identity remains protected. The balding guy wearing a pink and blue shirt sitting in front row centre stage was identified as a “righty” by my friend after getting a hint from Susannah.
    Don’t forget Inside Job was also anonymous for a while. Lefty’s real identity will ultimately be revealed-perhaps when he is nominated for Friendly Forum of the Year Moderator.

    3. Susannah convinced me to buy the 5 CD El Rey set. This will almost complete my Lu archives collection and saved me the hassel of pay pal, shipping, customs duties to Canada eh!

    4. Finally, with a two week lull in Lu’s tour until Australia, Lefty can now focus on Erika W. of the HB’s and not the merchandise gal. ( who was delightful to meet )

    5. Aso looking forward to Record Day 09.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Finally, with a two week lull in Lu’s tour until Australia, Lefty can now focus on Erika W. of the HB’s and not the merchandise gal.

    Ha! 😆



    Great add-ons, L: I too was in Abilene for a quickie pre-show. Good to hear the old southpaw has preserved his anonymity; I take it this “righty” was the same one doing call and response during “Tears of Joy?” And I don’t imagine it took too much strong-arming on Susannah’s part to send you home, send you across customs it sounds like, with that El Rey boxed set. Memorable night. . .


    Interesting characterization of the audience 🙄 (should you be flattered or depressed?) in this local rochester review:

    …but the description of Butch at the end of the review is priceless!!!


    Well, Ray, you can’t say this reviewer didn’t have a unifying motif: bespectacled, “librarian” Lu matches up with the lead paragraph on audience reading preferences. I too have turned a few pages while waiting Lu out in reserved seat venues, and even pulled out a book (not on Janis Ian, I trust) once with elbows on stage at a GA standing show. I don’t feel insulted by this audience characterization, though Lefty is right to note that some mindless chatter is the flipside of what the reviewer noticed.

    Someone should cut and paste the finale for Butch’s scrapbook, to be sure.

    P.S. No surcharge on the t-shirt I bought after the show. . .



    for the record: me, personally — i’m all about “trendy sexy librarian black-frame eyeglasses,” eclectic crowds, and i do believe reading is fun-damental! (Lu could put her hair up in a bun, too, and even tell me “shhhh…”) Harro East Ballroom sounds like my kind of place.

    Glad you got your merch with no problem, Stoger. 😀 Nice MMJ Librarian link, Lefty.


    Photos from Rochester.



    @blureu wrote:

    Photos from Rochester.


    GREAT photos – thanks for posting the link.

    Lu looks very happy on stage that night, doesn’t she?



    Don’t know what the fuss is all about regarding Pettibone’s loss. I heard nothing but brilliant, spectacular guitar playing all night, didn’t matter who was playing. Sure would like to know who makes that shiny red guitar Eric played from time to time. That was brilliant


    Excellent pix, Blu. Especially like the black+whites. Thanks for posting.

    Can’t help you on the guitar question, baba. I’m sure somebody will come along here who can. Welcome aboard.


    for the record: me, personally — i’m all about “trendy sexy librarian black-frame eyeglasses,” eclectic crowds, and i do believe reading is fun-damental! (Lu could put her hair up in a bun, too, and even tell me “shhhh…”)

    ha ha ha good one…
    blureu- those are some really great photos!


    Hey, that’s a good way of putting it Babalouie — “Pettibone’s loss” (not Lucinda’s loss!!).

    Anyone else wondering if we can keep this Rochester thread going until Lu comes back from Australia?


    @Ray wrote:

    Anyone else wondering if we can keep this Rochester thread going until Lu comes back from Australia?

    I’m game! :mrgreen:


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