Quick start time question

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Quick start time question

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    Haven’t seen this addressed in the recent reports…sorry if I’ve missed it.

    Hitting Allentown and the great Keswick this week. What is the rough start time for this latest tour leg? Does Buick 6/Blake do an opening set (if so, I want to catch it). I’m figuring 8:30 to 8:40 or so, but appreciate if someone can confirm.

    Thinking of seeing how skeevy the new casino in Bethlehem is before Allentown and want to get the timing down.

    FYI, there is a reasonably recorded video of Trying to Get to Heaven on youtube…link is blocked at work but searching for “Lucinda Williams Trying to get to Heaven” brought it right up last night. Blake is real cool on this, but you likely knew that already.

    Thanks in advance for any info, see you all Frid/Sat


    Both Allentown and the Keswick show a start time of 8:00 p.m. with Buick 6 opening for Allentown and Blake Mills for the Keswick as per their web sites and High road Touring.
    Of course Blake will be in both openers.

    Trying to get to Heaven is a great You Tube. Thanks for the head’s up visions and enjoy the shows.


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