Providence RI Show

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Providence RI Show

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    I saw Lucinda for the first time, tonight in Providence RI. I really enjoyed the show. Both Lucinda’s and the band’s performance were great. I really enjoyed her vocals and the emotion in them. Of course she writes so well. The crowd was diverse which was cool. I’m looking forward to my next Lucinda Williams show !


    Welcome, billk!

    Could you provide some details about the setlist, what songs did she sing and what were the highlights of the show for you?


    Well this is about the set list (most of the songs and in about the order she played them) – I’m sure I’ve missed one or two.

    Motherless Child
    Happy Woman Blues
    Hard Road
    Sharp Cutting Wings
    Big Red Sun Blues
    Crescent City
    Sweet Old World
    Drunken Angel
    Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
    Still I Long for Your Kiss
    Steal Your Love
    Real Life Bleeding Fingers
    Come On
    Honey Bee
    Little Rock Star

    She was in some sort of mood – arriving a little late – “well it’s about fu***ng time” she announces before starting the set. Set lists were taped to the stage, but after almost nearly every song there was a conference with the band while she decided which song she wanted to do next – which then often resulted in a change of guitars and the laminated lyrics brought out to her music stand. The highlight for me was a devestating version of Sweet Old World….she was in great voice and the tension translated into a great show from the standpoint of the performance of the songs…..after one of the songs near the end she went on a mini rant “dude and fu***ng wife leave in the middle of the fu***ng song – wait till the end of the fu***ng song to leave – if I fu***ng had something I would have fu***ng thrown it at him – this ain’t a fu***ng folk concert”……and at the end of the next song “there’s the fu***ng door – fu***ng leave I don’t fu***ng care” – this all translated to a very rocking end to the show. She looked great – leather jacket, cheetah chrome trousers and Pro Keds.


    Thanks, Nelson! The last three songs I’m almost certain I can attest were “Honey Bee” “Joy” and “Long Way To The Top”…I had a phone call during “Honey Bee” and was texted subliminal messages during “Joy” and “Long Way.”

    Does that ring a bell?


    Well I sure had a different experience last night than BillK. I’ve been to other Lucinda shows, own every CD and follow her tours – last night sucked. She can be erratic in concert but “She was in some kinda mood is right”. After a good (but late) opening she proceeded to be drowned out by too much guitar from Buick 6 – lost really. That couple may have walked out in the middle of Come On but poeple were getting up and moving around all night – Its Lupos’ after all – so there was no call for the verbal abuse. No, its not a Folk Concert but she has a lot of Folkie Fans because they like good music. It was hard to her good music last night. Lighten up Lucinda.


    Normally I would be one of her biggest cheerleaders- BUT…
    I’ve seen the meltdowns before, normally she would recover and the show would get really great after that- but last night it seemed the show was simply cut short. After LWTTT the band was standing around looking at each other…I don’t think they expected it to end that fast. I couldn’t see what happened to trigger it.

    Previous to that the show was really good, Jambalaya I’ve never seen live before. Where I was standing the sound wasn’t that great, I attributed it to being way to the side/people in front of me/the glass barriers. Normally I would move to other spots to get better sound…


    Right – Long Way To the Top – not Little Rock Star.

    I was near the front of the balcony and the sound was pretty good up there. I thought her “mood” led to some great versions – especially in the middle of the set.

    I was surprised to see how much she leanded on her lyric sheets – especially on Car Wheels.

    I won’t complain – rather see the emotion and than the paint by numbers sets you sometimes get. I saw her a couple of times on the Car Wheels tour and it was the same between song patter, same band intros, close to the same set lists.


    I believe she also played Six Blocks Away in the Sweet Old World section of the show. I agree, it did seem to end rather abruptly after the tongue lashing.


    While I was not there, I can say that for at least the last year, they pretty much always close with “Long Way To The Top…” So, while it may have seemed an abrupt & unplanned end to the show, that song usually is the show closer…



    Hey Bob; I’m very, very happy I did not attend!


    @tntracy wrote:

    While I was not there, I can say that for at least the last year, they pretty much always close with “Long Way To The Top…” So, while it may have seemed an abrupt & unplanned end to the show, that song usually is the show closer…


    It wasn’t the closer in Greensboro, Tom, but I know it usually is.


    @Rainydayman wrote:

    It wasn’t the closer in Greensboro, Tom, but I know it usually is.

    Thanks for the additional information – it was the closer all 3 nights in NYC. I guess between your & my experience, that amounts to “usually”… 😉 :mrgreen:

    So then the question becomes, what was the closer on the setlist in Providence? Someone who was close enough to the stage to see one could answer this, or someone who got a setlist after the show was over. That would determine if the show ended earlier than planned.



    Just listened to “Steal Your Love” on FOLK radio – best song I’ve heard all day among a lot of great music they’ve played today – folk, folk rock, alt, etc. I was at her Orpeum Boston show last year – GREAT concert! There was fist fight up by the stage, Lucinda coolly paused and laughed off the interuption – no insults. Something was wrong last night – bad acoustics, maybe she was tired – but other than a few songs it was not a great concert.


    Never heard Lu do a song called Hard Road. Can someone advise? Is this new?


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Thanks, Nelson! The last three songs I’m almost certain I can attest were “Honey Bee” “Joy” and “Long Way To The Top”…I had a phone call during “Honey Bee” and was texted subliminal messages during “Joy” and “Long Way.”

    Does that ring a bell?

    Hey, Lafayette, I’m new to this cyber age: how does one send or receive a “subliminal” text message as opposed to any other kind? Maybe I’m just the kind of guy who can’t pick up on subliminal communiques in face to face talks, but this notion of cybersubliminality has me scratching my head.

    Rhon, I don’t own a version of “Hard Road” either. “Hard Time KFB” maybe?

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