Portland 8/2

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Portland 8/2

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    Reporting live from Portland. Amy Cook just finished her set. Beautiful outside but warm and sticky inside this old theater. Excitement level high.


    Great show. Moments of true weirdness. The set list:

    Right in Time
    I Lost It
    Greenville (Doug on pedal steel)
    West (!)
    Sweet Side
    Drunken Angel
    Seeing Black
    Come On
    Band Intros
    Unsuffer Me
    Out of Touch
    Honey Bee
    Joy (with David Garza)

    I Live My Life (Fats Domino)
    Get Right With God (with Amy and David)


    The State Theater is a smelly old dump, not unlike the Ventura Theater, with a balcony and a bar in the back. 2 couples were seated in the row in front of me who were blown away by sitting in the 3rd row and couldn’t contain their enthusiasm about it. They were also out of their minds on some kind of drug/alcohol mixture, laughing and screaming inappropriately at times. At first I thought they were on acid, then I thought maybe I was on acid, then I decided they were zonked out on Ecstacy. They were also the only non lesbian couples in sight; the place was packed with same sex couples of the female type, all charged up and ready to rock and roll.

    Lu hit the stage at 9:10 pm. Everything was going smoothly. She looked and sounded fantastic. The couples in front of me were doing their best to get Lu’s attention, clapping hysterically in the middle of songs, talking in between, generally having the times of their lives, oblivious to all around them. In fact, even during Sweet Side, they were partying and gesturing wildly while Lu sang her sad song about her sad friend. Great.

    Doug played an awesome pedal steel on Greenville. I was in ecstacy myself when Lu played West. Finally. Another funny Lu story when she talked about Blaze Foley; she said before he was a drunken angel he was just a drunk, then he became an angel. Awesome. The usual stories about Buttercup and Seeing Black.

    During Out of Touch, the world’s most insane woman marched down to the stage and started to gyrate spasmodically, as if she were having a seizure, or were being electrocuted, and of course she conducted this exercise standing right next to me, almost hitting me with every wild flailing of her arms. Her face was contorted into a mask of pain, and she would occasionally look at me and shout various non words, as far as I could tell. Of course security pretended nothing was happening. She struck various weird poses, at once point jumping straight up and down in place while screaming “Jump” for about a minute, while I recoiled in horror. This was getting good. All of this with no musical rhythm and independent of normal body movement theory. She made it through the song and during Honey Bee she adopted a crouched pose, curled up in a ball with her hands cradling her head, for the entire song. Super.

    During Joy some of my same sex neighbors took up positions in front of the stage near Doug and decided to cheer and scream at his every move. He was the greatest thing they had ever seen, fists in the air, arms covered with tatoos, designer baseball caps askew. I forgot to mention that while the lunatic woman was doing her interpretive dance to the demons in her head, Doug kept both eyes on her, just in case she decided to go full on commando crazy.

    During Blessed, apparently inspired, another woman decided to come down and dance next to me, also with no dance skills to speak of. She was slamming her feet so hard into the floor that I thought she was going to break an ankle. At this point I am ready for anything and I thought “where the fuck is TnTracy when I need him”? Somehow we made it through the rest of the show. The band was soaked in sweat.

    end part 1


    In case you thought all the craziness was in the crowd, there were a couple moments onstage that are noteworthy. Maybe it was just me, but towards the end of Right in Time, I think, as the songs is slowing down, Butch launches into full on Keith Moon mode as if he were playing a different song. On West, Doug had his Gretsch on and switched it out just as the song started. Lu started out playing acoustic guitar for Sweet Side, then about one verse into it, looks at her guitar and music sheet with a wtf? look, stops the song, walks back to the drum kit and puts her guitar down, says’ “start again”, and sings the song sans guitar. She looked a little overheated to me. I was sweating bullets just sitting there, my entire head of hair soaked like a mop. Oh dear. After Joy, when the band leaves the stage before the encores, Lu turns stage left and starts to walk off towards Doug. At this point Eric launches himself into sprint mode and comes flying out of stage right, grabs Lu from behind by the shoulders while Doug braces for impact, turns her around, and marches her off stage in the correct direction, the band following. At first I thought it was a deranged fan on the stage before I recognized Eric; it seemed possible considering the earlier events.

    All in all a fun night and a fitting conclusion to my mini tour. Instead of attending the Northampton show, I will visit with my dear old mommy before heading back to La La Land on Sunday. Here’s hoping we get the scoop on each show going forward.


    That is by far, one of the most entertaining posts I have read here.

    Things you’d expect to see at a 3 day festival….the show off stage as entertaining as the show on stage.

    West Words

    Thanks, Tony! Perhaps the funniest review ever. Made me feel like I was there, and at the same time, kinda grateful that instead I was safe at home.

    Can’t deny the power of a full moon…


    Lesbian couples? Lesbian couples? I thought Northampton was yet to come. Great stuff, Tony: was that “insane” woman half of a couple, or on her own? You and Doug might have gotten some action there. And yes, Tom Tracy is the best bouncer-fan I’ve ever met; just ask lafayette about the time an intrusive patron showed some undue muscle and vocal cords–the tn man took care of that situation.

    Tour debuts for “Sweet Side,” “West,” and the Fats Domino cover: wow. The setlist overall was perhaps the most appealing of the whole run.

    Here’s hoping the Northampton fans will get some down-n-dirty blues covers from those wizened Delta menfolk artists–and perhaps a Mattie Delaney or Memphis Minnie tune too!

    West Words

    Stoger wrote: And yes, Tom Tracy is the best bouncer-fan I’ve ever met; just ask lafayette about the time an intrusive patron showed some undue muscle and vocal cords–the tn man took care of that situation.

    And I can attest to TNT’s bouncer prowess at the Orange Peel show in Asheville. Those loud and pushy “ladies” were annoying and very intrusive! TNT obliterated them and promptly took care of the problem. You definitely want him in your vicinity to maintain the decorum. Thanks TNT!


    That Portland review is the funniest I have read in quite a long time! What a different & interesting time! At least a fight didn’t break out in front of Lu like one did in Boston a few years back. Going to Northampton tomorrow night and, man, there’s a ton of tickets still available. Used to be that Lu was a quick sell on tickets, and I’ve been seeing her in Noho since 1988 at the Iron Horse Music Hall, the old, glorius Gurf shows. I once stood in line behind Lu in the bathroom line, listening to her drawl her outrage that she had to wait in a piss line. Ah, well, good times.
    Thanks again for that review!


    My sister and I were also at the show last night in Portland. From your description, I think we were sitting very close to you. Definitely a show I will never forget.


    ohmygawd Tony…..I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Thanks!


    Glad everyone enjoyed the review. In a mega change of plans, Tim and I are heading out to the Northampton show. We hope to meet the other website denizens there. If you are going to the show, look like you are a member of the website so that we will recognize you.


    The final song-a true jam session “Get Right With God” including (just guessing) the girls near tonyg gyrating along with Amy and Lucinda.


    Simply superb reporting from you tonyg. Thank you.
    You have now joined the ranks of the other road warriors in the forum.



    Thx I always wanted to join ! More tonight.


    oh I loved that clip! thanks! I wish I were hearing this show tonight…..Have fun and look forward to your review!

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