Ponte Vedra Beach Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Ponte Vedra Beach Setlist

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    1 2 Kool 2 B Forgotten [with lengthy background about it afterwards]
    2 You Can’t Rule Me
    3 Can’t Let Go [with multiple throat spray uses during: at one point Lu even introduces the band in middle to buy some time–afterwards, she describes her condition as “post-nasal”]
    4 Bad News Blues [“It’s frustrating and weird not to play guitar”]
    5 Drunken A
    6 Big Black Train
    7 Cold Day in Hell
    8 Reason to Cry
    9 Blue
    10 Are You Down [“This is the groove part of the set”]
    11 Out of Touch [Oddly, Lu does some thinking aloud about what a proper band name would be, mentioning “The Love Band” & “The Heartbreakers”–making one wonder what happened to the concept, the very label, of Buick 6. David reacts in kind of disbelief]
    12 Essence
    13 Changed the Locks
    14 Honeybee
    15 Joy
    16 Good Souls, Better Angels {this title track seems to affect all emotionally: she really nails it]
    17 Get Right with God

    Anyone notice a trend toward the album released just over 20 years ago?

    One more land show, then “backstreets” can take us through the cruise vicariously. . .


    Thanks for the setlist update as always!


    Thanks muchly Mr. Stoger. Could you tell us who all the band members were? I doubt it was the Love Band.

    Edit. Butch posted a picture. It is the usual fellers.


    I am curious if playing guitar is completely out of the picture for Lu or if she is working on “re-learning,” and re-incorporating it into her shows. It will be interesting to see… The renditions they are doing of the songs now are pretty sick, Stu is unbelievable. However, I never realized how much Lu’s rhythm playing carried all the songs until it wasn’t there anymore.


    I predict, based on no knowledge or experience or really anything resembling intelligence, that Lu needs to regain strength in her left arm before she can play again.


    I just read on fb, per Butch, that she still plays all the time to write- she just does not feel comfortable enough yet to bring the guitar back to the stage yet. It could have a lot to do with balance too and lingering issues with her arm from the stroke.

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