Pittsburgh,PA show 7/21/07

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Pittsburgh,PA show 7/21/07

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    My wife and I attended Lucinda’s show last night at the Byham. Is it my imagination or does she really lack social skills? She and her band played some great hard driving guitar music. Doug Pettibone, Hal Sutton and Butch Norton were great. After playing for an hour and a half, she closed with a nice duet w/Charlie Louvin, left the stage and never came back for an encore. The crowd was screaming for her for at least 10 minutes and not even a glimmer of her presence was noted. This after commending the audience for us being “a really intelligent crowd because we played in Rochester and Lewiston, New York the past couple of nights and they just didn’t get it.” Well I guess she showed us as to who was the “intelligent” one. Many a comment was made by the crowd exiting the show that “it would be a cold day in hell before they came back to see her live again.” I for one am in that group. She stiffed us big time. We even had to endure a “diva monent” as she got into some sort of tirade with her group, they left the stage and when they returned it was all huggy bear kissy face between her and the band. Less bullshit, more music and acknowlegding the crowd would have been a nice gesture.
    Great songwriter, and singer, but a lousy performer. Her show will not even enter my top fifty in my life for best events. Her’s was a first for me,
    well received by the crowd, great music and no encore, almost like drinking some foul tasting fluid: leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


    Wow, sorry to read this…this is the complete opposite of my experience! Years ago, I remember hearing that her shows are somewhat hit or miss, so I was pleasantly surprised at what a great performance she put on here in STL. As for social skills…I remember seeing the CMT video of her singing with Elvis Costello and how she barely made eye contact with the audience and kind of let Costello do all the talking. At the show here, she was totally engaged with the audience and told us from the beginning what a great audience is was and how good everything sounded, etc. She acknowledged a few people too, either signaling them out visually or answering back to people yelling things (in a nice way). I also think at least part of her excitement and endurance (not just coming out for another set but before the show even ended, telling us she was planning on it, as long as they could beat curfew) had to do with the way the crowd reacted to Charlie Louvin’s opening act. People were just really respectful of the band and patient waiting for Lu to come on. Was it like that last night?
    Anyhow, sorry you had a bad experience. I hope it won’t ruin listening to her music elsewhere. 🙁


    there was an 11:00 union curfew.

    Red Dirt Girl EH

    I’m sorry to hear that! I know that sort of thing can really sour you on an artist. I went to see Bonnie Raitt and afterward by the bus her crew said “She wants us to get rid of the fans, she’s not meeting anybody tonight” and I thought ‘Well I’m so glad I drove all the way out here for this’. The concert was still great but music is only part of the package. I hope you will give Lucinda another chance. Last Sunday she was really outgoing and chatted a lot with the audience. She seemed to be getting along really well with the band. She came out and sang several songs for the encore. It was by far the best concert I have ever seen, my dad even commented her live music is just as good if not better than the records. Even in person, it was 12:09 a.m. and she came out to greet the fans. Give her another shot, you never know why she could’ve been off the other night. She’s worth it!


    Saturday night in Pittsburgh, at PNC Park on the northern bank of the Allegheny River, 32,068 fans watched the Pirates blast 10 hits, slug 1 home run, and beat the Astros 7-3. Three hundred yards away, across the Roberto Clemente Bridge, at the Bynam Theater on the southern bank of the Allegheny River, about 1400 fans watched Lucinda blast 18 hits, and slug 4 home runs, but she still couldn’t win the battle of the 11 PM curfew. Unfortunately, Charlie Louvin was allowed to play for an hour, relegating Lucinda to start at 9:30. Lucinda played as much as possible, and she chose to omit the normal break after Joy. Consequently, the songs after Joy (which normally formed the encore) got blended into the one (and only) set. Reluctantly, Lucinda left the stage at 11, and the audience was left to applaud and plead, while the crew dismantled the equipment. Such is life in the theatrical venue business–lots of paid employees with strict contracts. Anyway, on to the setlist, hits, and home runs:

    1. Rescue
    2. Fruits of My Labor
    3. Lonely Girls
    4. Words
    5. Learning How to Live
    6. Those Three Days
    7. Out of Touch
    8. Come On
    9. Essence
    10. Unsuffer Me
    11. Bleeding Fingers
    12. Honeybee
    13. Joy
    (no pause, but I’ll start the virtual encore here)
    14. Side of the Road (Lucinda solo acoustic, preparing for 9/10 & 10/4)
    15. Minneapolis (Lucinda & Doug only, preparing for 9/5 & 9/29)
    16. Marching the Hate Machines Into the Sun
    17. Little Rock Star (new song, see below)
    18. When I Stop Dreaming (Charlie Louvin singing his song, with Lucinda as his duet partner)

    Little Rock Star is a “play on words”, and more listening or lyrics are needed to determine if the meaning is a diminutive musician (Little “Rock Star”) or an Arkansas celebrity (“Little Rock” star), or maybe both. The song was written in the last week, and was new to the band.


    Thanks, Paul, for your lucid account of a great evening, and thanks Rhon for pointing out something apparently inscrutable to the first poster. What’s this mania for expecting an “encore” at every show one attends, this expectation for the artist to follow the arena format to the letter? You got 18 songs, you got a straight-through 90-minute-plus set of diverse songs. Paul is right that eschewing the “normal break” shouldn’t be an affront to any audience member; “virtual encore” is a good way to put it. I must have missed the “diva moment” and the on-stage “tirade.” If Lucinda chooses to do “Side of the Road” solo and “Minneapolis” with Doug only on stage, shouldn’t we be grateful for these setlist departures, these beautiful introspective songs? So what that she didn’t walk off and then back on; yes, she usually does this, but often reemerges solo for “Passionate Kisses” or a similar tune. There was no band dissension, just a reconfiguration after song #13, another one before #15. The Thievery Corporation cover and the song (“Little Rock Star”) written only that week were worth any number of “thank you so much”-es or rote responses to uplifted cigarette lighters or whatever the hell the first poster was expecting from a concert format. Since when are “social skills” the disposative element in judging a performance’s worth? Lucinda interacted with the crowd quite a bit actually, her calling us “intelligent” being only one example–none of this contradicted the way the evening actually ended. Yes, the end seemed a bit abrupt after the Louvin duet, but the house lights coming on immediately afterwards cannot be laid at the door of Lucinda or any of the touring crew, should not be judged as indicative of her attitude. It’s a union town, blah blah blah. Again, if 18 songs from various periods of this great artist’s career didn’t suffice, then stay “stiffed” and revisit some of your top 50 supersociable live performing artists. I’ll shoot for 50 (+) more Lu’s.


    Bob Dylan is a great performer who, from accounts of shows I’ve read about, says maybe two sentences for an entire performance. So what if she had a “diva moment”? If this one isolated show forms your opinion of her live performances, that’s okay. It might be better to listen to her records and leave it at that.


    Wow all that because he didn’t get an encore. I attended the Wolf Trap Show. She was amazing. She spoke to the crowd often. I was just happy to be there to witness four amazing performers. Do not let this show pass you by if she comes around your way.


    I must admit I was a little bit disappointed with the Pittsburgh show the other night. Untill I read the first reply of this column. I was only bummed she didn’t play more of my personal favorite songs and that’s it. That guy must not know that Pittsburgh has an 11:00 curfew so she had to stop playing. She had an amazing and sweet stage presence. Her voice and her band’s sound were simply amazing. She pointed out more than once how she likes to play Pittsburgh. I had such a blast and I know the whole place did as well. This guy is crazy to complain about some encore after such a great show.


    Thanks, Paul, for the setlist!! I had forgotten Lonely Girls, which was a great surprise for me. AND…thanks to you too for shouting the request for for Side of the Road, a big highlight of the night, as well. Man, that show was wonderful, although the ending was abrupt. Lu is becoming one of those artists with such a rich catalog, no show will be long enough. But the setlist was diverse enough that you had no time to think of what you wished to hear, I just kind of went along with her for the ride. She DID talk to the audience, even when you didn’t think she would (the “Where’s Jim Lauderdale” question after Joy – – She was pow-wowing with the band and returned to mic to wonder “Don’t know where Jim L is, Dougie, do you know where Jimmy L is?”) Funny, the woman has good ears. Going to Rams Head Sunday night. Last time I saw her there she played 4 hours and did Ode to Billy Joe…….


    wow – I’m jealous – you guys are lucky to get Side of the Road..

    It’s funny because I usually think of Lucinda as pretty chatty at her shows – but I’m sure that she – like all of us has chattier days and not so chatty days. I’m sure her diva moment was a misunderstanding of some sort (especially in light of some of the posts on the forum). I’ve been lucky to see her 8 or more times and I always think of her as gracious and humble.

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