Petty Fest/Tribute?

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    Anyone hip to this, apparently in the Bay Area recently? I got wind via an old Lu-pal who seemed to be there NOT drinking the sponsor (Jameson) beverage. She did “Rebels?” Can anyone supplement?


    Petty Fast West took place last night at the Fillmore in SF as per:



    “Lucinda sang Petty’s ‘Rebels’ backed by the ‘house band’ for the gig ‘Cabin Down Below’. She hung in there but it appeared mama was not 100% happy. Lu had chat with house band guitarist/singer dude as Boz Scaggs hit the stage. They did ‘Changed the Locks’ with Boz & Lu alternating verses. Yup. A spirited ‘I believe in socialized medicine’ * rap followed the applause as she came off the stage reminding the audience this was a benefit for Sweet Relief musician healthcare. Did I mention the large ‘Jameson’ Irish whiskey emblem projected behind the stage?. . .Amy (sic) Mann was beaut. Oh yeah: Jesse (sic) Malin did one too. Lucinda returned for the encore of ‘Freefallin’ backed by what looked loke 30 musicians from the evening so far. (Old friend and fellow Petty performer Chuck Prophet called her to the stage in fact)Sounded great: inspired, full throated belting it out, and obviously having a great time. ..”


    * A comment NOT dedicated to Mr. Tom Tracy, I feel sure [stoger’s note]


    Great stuff!


    [not that I tweet or anything…]


    -Anonymous-Gotta love that stoger.( must be an Inside Job )

    A pic from last night.[attachment=0:15k6n1k4]Lu & Boz-Petty Fest.jpg[/attachment:15k6n1k4]



    @stoger wrote:

    [not that I tweet or anything…]

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight… šŸ˜› šŸ˜†



    @LWjetta wrote:

    -Anonymous-Gotta love that stoger.( must be an Inside Job )

    A pic from last night.[attachment=0:3jh01j0d]Lu & Boz-Petty Fest.jpg[/attachment:3jh01j0d]


    Ha: I do protect my sources, lwj. And it’s NOT the poster formerly known as “inside job,” though I hope he adds to this (and I trust he can spell the names of Malin and Mann correctly: ho).

    West Words

    Aaaarrggh! I had wanted to go to this show anyway, because: a) who doesn’t love Tom Petty?!; b) Chuck was performing; and c) it was in the magnificently colorful city of San Francisco. Then last night I saw Lucinda’s Facebook post with a pic of the Fillmore and realized she was one of the super secret special guests, but by then it was too late to get there. Aaaarrghh! It just isn’t worth it to behave prudently . šŸ˜ˆ


    A full review from last night including a photo of Chuck for West Words.



    I’ve been slacking on checking twitter, otherwise, I might have scooped, :shock:, however, who needs to scoop when we have stoger.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I’ve been slacking on checking twitter, otherwise, I might have scooped, :shock:, however, who needs to scoop when we have stoger.

    For your every cyber/socialmedia need. . .
    Signed, “Stoger”


    Was disappointed to read the review in SF Weekly. Another example of when someone else in the house band makes a mistake it rolls up to a less than stellar review for the singer. Apparently this person had imbibed a little too much. I would ask this–is it too much for a professional music critic to understand what really happened? I guess so. Lucinda actually did a great job of getting thru the f-up and finished the song strong. It was especially disappointing because the song was sounding really great in soundcheck. The good thing is that I filmed it. Haven’t had a chance to upload it yet -hopefully it came out great.
    I do completely disagree about the reviewer’s assessment of Change The Locks-at least from my viewpoint on the side of the stage it sounded great. Lu was so excited and honored to be able to sing with Boz Scaggs. I have soundcheck footage of that also. Gotta get it uploaded. Just takes so damn long -and of course my computer dropping out doesn’t help but hope to get it soon.


    Tom O, a completely different slant on Lucinda’s “Rebel” and “Changed the Locks” performance from this writer described as FLAWLESS despite the guitarist.

    The paragraph on her performance.
    ā€œWe promised a couple of surprises,ā€ Austin explained. ā€œIt is my honor to say the next guest is one of the greatest songwriters alive or dead, male or femaleā€¦ itā€™s my honor and pleasure to introduce to the Fillmoreā€¦ Miss Lucinda Williams!!ā€ She took the stage to great applause and fanfare, to which she answered ā€œyā€™all are so sweet!ā€ (Sheā€™s adorable!) ā€œHow much talent can you cram into one life?ā€ She asked, and then: ā€œcan we give it up, please, for the band?ā€ She then led them in singing ā€œRebels,ā€ and I couldnā€™t help but notice that sheā€™s the consummate professional. During the song, she was clearly frustrated over some kind of miscommunication with one of the guitar players, yet she never missed a beat, and her performance was flawless. Between the song and the one that followed, the discussion between the two didnā€™t seem to soothe her much, but they proceeded to her second song nonetheless. It was a Lucinda song, but it was deemed acceptable ā€œbecause Tom Petty covered it.ā€ They asked for a little help, and were joined by Austinā€™s dad Boz Scaggs. The song? ā€œChanged the Locks. Before she left the stage, Lucinda took a moment to profess that she believed in ā€œsocialized medicine: everyone has a right to medical care. It shouldnā€™t be a privilege, it should be a right!ā€ Her declaration was met by mostly applause, though I definitely heard a few boos as well. Who knew?

    End Quote

    The full article on Petty Fest link.
    p.s. Link to 47 photos of the event.


    LWJ- Thanks for bringing that to my attention- that was a much more accurate-and fair- version of what happened.
    She fell in love with the song Rebels and it was sounding so good in the afternoon rehearsal and she was so excited to be singing the duet with Boz. When all was said and done she wasn’t mad about what happened just a little bummed/disappointed because she really wanted it to be great. As she always does.

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