Paris, July 23

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Paris, July 23

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  • #40278

    I think being seated quietens an audience – you’ve got to be standing to whoop and holler. It was very confortable indeed though which made me a little soporific at the end of a tiring day. My mother used to say it was better to stand when you’re drinking because it helps the beer circulate. Concerts are the same : it helps the music circulate… This time I felt I was in the presence of a real professional artist – at the previous Paris concert Lucinda seemed like a bit of an amateur with all the stopping and starting and bad nerves but it really revealed a very raw edge to her music and an unforgettable concert. The thing is, nervous, professional, amateur, whatever, she is just totally fabulous and a treat to see live.

    karel beer

    well in that case i’m glad I had them leave the seats in, of course as a promoter i’d much rather have had to take them out because we’d sold so many tickets – sadly this was not the case, but the most important thing is that the audience and performers enjoyed the show.

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